Rebranding a Company for Global Impact feat. IAFHH

**UPDATED 11/21/22** If you want to listen to a conversation where Ashe shares more about her experience working with Wild Womn Haus, be sure to check out EP 57 of The Wild Womn Hotline titled “Where is She Now? Ashe Milkovic, Founder of The International Association of Functional Hormone Health, Shares How WWH Helped Bring Her Greater Vision to Life.”

The International Association for Functional Hormone Health (IAFHH) is a B2B brand that provides research-based education and tailored professional mentorship for women’s health practitioners. But before IAFHH became the global juggernaut that it is today, serving businesses in over 13 countries, it functioned as a B2C brand, formerly known as Reproductive Radiance. 

Ashe Milkovic, founder and CEO, came to Wild Womn Haus with a vision for positioning her company as the go-to source for cutting-edge education in functional hormone health. Over the next year, we used our signature process for rebranding a company, thus delivering brand and marketing strategies, a reconfigured business plan, and an elevated identity that catapulted IAFHH into the spotlight for women’s health practitioners all over the world.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Rebranding a Company Phase 1 – Auditing The Existing Brand

Even though Reproductive Radiance was about to undergo a company-wide restructuring, a brand audit is always our first step when taking on a new project. 

During this phase of our process, we perform a “checkup” that measures your brand’s position in the marketplace as well as other strengths and weaknesses. 

In this instance, we used our brand audit process to get a baseline for current brand perception, visibility, and positioning.

A typical brand audit will focus on the internal communication that contributes to a brand’s values, mission, and company culture. But at Wild Womn Haus, we take things a step further.

Our signature brand audits include a full profile of your brand’s

  • vision, goals, and objectives
  • market and industry 
  • target audience 
  • differentiation and positioning
  • personality, voice, and tone
  • communication and storytelling
  • accessibility and visibility
This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Rebranding a Company Phase 2 – Competitive Intelligence

After completing our audit of Reproductive Radiance’s brand, we kicked things off by doing a deep dive into the global women’s healthcare landscape, looking for potential opportunities in functional hormone health education and practitioner mentorship.

Our analysis revealed a unique brand lover: The Changemaker – a women’s health practitioner with a deep desire to transform the way women receive healthcare. This brand lover has a strong propensity for self-education and a deep desire for community. Our customer insight then became a driving force in our approach to the brand strategy.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Rebranding a Company Phase 3 – Brand Strategy 

Equipped with this insight, we then went on to the brand strategy development phase. Here, we create ICA segmentation, core brand messaging, and brand architecture for market placement and differentiation.

Here, we were able to identify 4 key segments of brand evangelists that would allow for laser-focused marketing and communication:

  • Nutrition + Herb Specialists
  • Fertility Awareness & Menstrual/Sexual Health Educators 
  • Prenatal/Birth Workers
  • Clinicians 

Next, we tested the brand’s core messaging and positioning on a focus group to gather quantitative and qualitative data. This ensured that our initial brand strategy could be weighed against the mental and emotional responses of the target audience.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Rebranding a Company Phase 4 – Business Reconfiguration 

In order for the brand to deliver upon its promise of “cutting-edge education and mentorship”, we supported Ashe in restructuring the core offerings and price points that the brand was to offer after the rebrand. 

Based on the 4 key segments of brand evangelists we identified from our competitive analysis, we were able to create a core offer and a suite of supportive services that allowed for active and passive income generation.

  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study

Rebranding a Company Phase 5 – Brand Identity & Collateral

Drawing on the brand strategy, we designed an aligned brand identity that spoke to the key emotions the brand’s target audience likes to feel. The result was an aesthetic that informed an immersive digital brand experience—evoking boldness, compassion, and conviction every step of the way.

Here’s what we delivered:

  • Naming architecture 
  • Complete brand identity 
  • Social media assets 
  • Custom website design 
  • Additional marketing collateral
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Rebranding a Company Phase 6 – Launch Strategy

After completing our creative direction and design process, we developed a comprehensive launch strategy that would allow the brand to emerge with high visibility. We also developed a  customer journey map that would continue to inform the brand experience and customer experience post-launch. 

Our work ultimately helped IAFHH garner recognition from leading institutions in Functional Hormone Health, while maintaining a community-oriented position that continues to drive growth to this day.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study

Ashe’s Experience Working w/Wild Womn Haus

“Working with Tristan and the Wild Womn Haus team was an absolutely incredible experience! 

Before I decided to work with Tristan in developing my brand vision, I felt lost. I had a BIG dream for what I wanted to create but felt intimidated about how to best bring it to life. Tristan helped to make the process simple by breaking everything down into comprehensive action items that helped me to build clarity and confidence in developing my brand. 

Whenever I hit roadblocks, Tristan held a supportive space for my thoughts, but also challenged me, in only the best ways, to reach deep within and uncover the depth and power of the vision hiding within me. 

Through trusting her process, being vulnerable to her feedback, and having the courage to dig within and unleash the potential of my brand, the International Association for Functional Hormone Health was born. In the end, I couldn’t be any more satisfied with the results! 

Working with Tristan was more than just a “brand design” service. It was a complete business and life-altering experience, and I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to be supported by Tristan and her team. 

10 out of 10 recommend!” – Ashe Milkovic, Founder & CEO of The International Association of Functional Hormone Health

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Rebranding a Company for Global Impact featuring IAFHH”.

Looking for Support?

If like Ashe from IAFHH, you are rebranding a company, we are here to help! We invite you to book a 30-minute Complimentary Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau. 

WWH Team Members on This Project

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus blog post.

Brand Strategist

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line. 

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study.

Brand and Web Designer

Mio Frye is a visual designer who creates memorable brands, websites, and unique user experiences.

She is the founder of The Indigo District, where she specializes in social media marketing, branding and identity design, web design, and custom illustration work.

Want to read more case studies of brands we’ve helped to grow? Check out the links below!

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