Rebrand Your Business feat. Cara Carin Cifelli

Looking to rebrand your business? Let’s start by talking about your brand’s aesthetic. Does it still resonate with you and your vision? Does it accurately reflect where your business is going and what makes you unique? At some point, you will outgrow your brand and need to re-evaluate your brand strategy. Ultimately, this allows you to make intentional changes to accurately reflect who you are as a leader. 

And this is exactly what happened to Cara, who came to us feeling frustrated by her outdated brand and website. Before she started working with the Wild Womn Haus agency, Cara remembers that she was “feeling really uninspired by [her] brand and website”. 

She recalls, “[my brand] no longer matched who I was or the work I was doing, but I felt totally stuck around how to actually pivot and rebrand so that it felt more authentic”. Over the course of 4 months, we used our signature brand strategy and design process to take Cara’s brand from uninspired, to fresh and in alignment with her new vision. 

Here’s a snapshot of how Cara was able to undergo the powerful transformation of rebranding.

The Surface-level Problem

Cara started out as a Plant-Based recipe developer and foodie blogger. But as she grew in her expertise and passion for supporting women to overcome eating disorders, she then evolved into a Body Image Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. 

She wanted her brand to represent the powerful work she did as a mind-body-soul healer. But her brand was stuck in the days of being a foodie.

She was embarrassed to send potential clients to her website. She felt very confused about how to introduce an updated look and feel without losing her audience.

But the root problem didn’t lie in her brand identity and website. Instead, this disconnect was an outdated brand strategy that caused a misalignment of values and purpose.

The ACTUAL Problem

Given that these two business models have strikingly different intentions, everything about her brand needed a massive upgrade.

Left unchanged, her original brand would have continued to create a huge disconnect between how her brand was perceived vs. how she wanted others to view her brand and website.

But simply redesigning your website and brand identity does NOT an aligned brand make. 

To rebrand your business in a powerful way, you must go back to the foundation of your brand’s values, beliefs, personality, mission, and vision.

Everything about Cara’s brand needed an upgrade, so here’s the journey we guided Cara through.

We started with our signature brand strategy process to really dig into the feeling that Cara’s brand should evoke.

Rebrand Your Business Step 1 – Creating a Consistent Customer Experience

Starting with her brand personality, we uncovered a huge disconnect between how she showed up on social media, vs. how she showed up for client calls. This is a very common issue we see with entrepreneurs who feel they need to “come off” a certain way in their marketing in order to attract their ideal clients. 

However, it is incredibly important that you create consistency between your marketing and your customer experience. A great client experience wins over 73% of customers [1]. When people feel they are getting the whole-picture online and offline, conversion becomes as simple as having a good conversation.

Why? Because potential customers feel like they already know what to expect. We cleaned up this disconnect in Cara’s brand by auditing her social media presence for areas where inconsistencies were popping up so that her customer experience felt authentic to her target audience.

Rebrand Your Business Step 2 – Re-aligning Brand Values & Beliefs

Many entrepreneurs meet internal resistance in being transparent about how they think and feel in regard to their industry.  When a majority of experts in your field present the same information and opinions, it can be intimidating to break the status quo.

With Cara’s brand, she had been upholding a set of beliefs and opinions that didn’t reflect what she thought and felt. Ultimately, this was diluting her leadership and ability to stand out as an expert with a unique point of view.

89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values [2]. So if you are attracting clients who are not your DREAM clients, it’s likely that you are expressing misaligned values and beliefs through your brand. After removing language from Cara’s brand vocabulary that didn’t authentically express her unique perspective, she was then ready to move into refreshing her website copy and social media messaging.

Rebrand Your Business Step 3 – Updating All Copy

Cara’s website needed a complete overhaul with its copy. Compelling copy draws 7.8 times more site traffic and produces brand recall which brings higher engagement rates [3]. 

With her newly aligned brand personality, values, and beliefs, we set out to write over 15 pages of fresh website copy that was optimized for her re-brand. From her services, to lead generator, everything on Cara’s site was emboldened by her authentic voice and perspective. 

“They helped guide me every step of the way and made the process so much easier and quicker than had I tried to do it alone.”

Next, it was time to shift our focus to her brand identity design and website. By supporting Cara through our site redesign process, we refreshed her podcast graphic, social media templates, and her entire website.

Working hand-in-hand with Mio Frye, one of our team brand designers, Cara took her brand from outdated to high-end and stunning.

Cara’s Brand BEFORE

Cara’s Brand AFTER

Rebrand Your Business – The Results

With this newfound clarity and excitement around her brand, Cara was able to refresh her wardrobe to better reflect the high-end healer that she knew herself to be. 

Her brand voice improved, her personality became more expressed, and the results continued to flow in at a rapid pace.

Through months of applying herself, she was able to grow a TikTok following of 22.9K audience members. By re-purposing her stellar content from TikTok to Instagram, Cara was able to “cross-pollinate” her social media presence and drive her sales through the roof.

Within a few months of applying a refreshed brand voice and messaging, Cara filled her client roster with ideal clients (who happily paid her newly increased rates). Upon the launch of her signature group program, Cara also hit her quota of 15 registrants, which was her largest group program launch to date!

Here are some words of praise from Cara’s experience working with Wild Womn Haus!

“Without their help, I would still be where I was (for over a year, I might add) twiddling my thumbs and overthinking everything without taking action. WWH is great at what they do, they are there every step of the way guiding you forward, and such a pleasure to work with. If you are starting a business or rebranding like I was, you are going to be in good hands!”

Rebrand Your Business to Embody Your Evolution As a Leader

Allow this evolution to take place because when you do, your brand will not only align with YOU but with your audience as well. From your brand values, messaging, unique value proposition, brand identity, and website, re-brands are an absolute must when your brand no longer feels authentic to you as the CEO.

Harness your vision. Be honest with yourself. Talk to your people. Get to the bottom of why they love working with you. Get curious about how they perceive your brand. Ask them to share the experiences they’ve had with your brand…good and bad. Dig into the messages that resonate with them most. 

Only THEN can you move forward with re-branding. Otherwise, you’ll invest a lot of time and money on a website that may or may not hit the mark. 

Curious exactly what services Cara invested in? Here’s the breakdown of her exact package:

  • 1:1 Brand Mentorship and Strategy Package
  • Complete Brand Identity Package
  • Executive Website package 
  • Copywriting support 
  • Social Media Design

Cara’s Experience Working w/Wild Womn Haus

“Before I started working with Wild Womn Haus, I was feeling really uninspired by my brand and website. It no longer matched who I was or the work I was doing. But I felt totally stuck around how to actually pivot and rebrand so that it felt more authentic.

They helped guide me every step of the way. They made the process so much easier and quicker than had I tried to do alone. Without their help, I would still be where I was (for over a year, I might add) twiddling my thumbs and overthinking everything without taking action.

WWH is great at what they do, they are there every step of the way guiding you forward, and such a pleasure to work with. If you are starting a business or rebranding like I was, you are going to be in good hands!” – Cara Carin Cifelli, Health Coach, and Breathwork Facilitator

Ready to Rebrand Your Business?

If you (like Cara) are feeling uninspired by your current brand, and frustrated by the disconnect between where you are and where you want to go, we’re here to help!

If you’re curious to learn how the WWH team can help you rebrand your business and bring your big vision to life, we invite you to book a 30-minute Complimentary Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau. 

WWH Team Members on This Project

This is a decorative image for this Wild Womn Haus client case study.

Brand Strategist

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image.

She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways.

Meet Mio Frye! Our Lead Brand and Custom Website Designer!

Brand and Web Designer

Mio Frye is a visual designer who creates memorable brands, websites, and unique user experiences.

She is the founder of The Indigo District, where she specializes in social media marketing, branding and identity design, web design, and custom illustration work. 

Looking for helpful resources in your rebrand journey? Check out these blogs!

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