Branding with Purpose feat. Public Health Consultant, Aengle LLC

When Erika came to us in June of 2020 with an idea for a revolutionary business, we knew that we were embarking on a journey of branding with purpose. Coming from an academic and professional background in the sphere of Public Health, Erika is a womn who cares deeply for the well-being of others. 

What immediately drew us to Erika was her tenacity, because she is a womn who takes relentless action to improve the way things are done in her industry. A true wild womn if we do say so ourselves! But despite her passion, Erika had a problem. 

She had been sitting on an idea for a consulting business that would drastically benefit her industry. However, she was overwhelmed by her uncertainty about how to get started. This was her very first business venture after all! 

Over the next 6 months, we used our signature brand-building process to take Erika’s business idea from simply a great concept into a highly profitable business. This article outlines the steps we took Erika through that allowed her to immediately begin attracting her ideal clients within 1 week of launching her new brand.

**UPDATED 10/20/22** If you want to listen to a conversation where Erika shares more about her experience working with Wild Womn Haus, be sure to check out EP 55 of The Wild Womn Hotline titled “Where is She Now? Erika Austhof, Founder of Aengle Consulting, Shares How WWH Impacted Her First Year of Business”.

June 2021 – Branding with Purpose from the Ground Up

This is a decorative image for the case study titled "Branding with Purpose - How Erika Immediately Signed Her Ideal Clients".

When Erika got started working with Tristan Thibodeau, our lead brand strategist, she thought she needed a logo, color palette, etc. But what she didn’t know is that you cannot create a brand’s identity without first establishing the brand’s strategy.

“I came to [Wild Womn Haus] with an idea for a business, and a hunch that it was needed, and left with a full business plan, website, and complete set of services.” – Erika A, previous WWH client

As with many new entrepreneurs that we speak to, “brand” tends to be understood in a limited way. It’s a common misconception that your brand only refers to visual elements (aka brand identity) such as a logo, color palette, etc. 

As we do with all of our clients, we took the time to walk Erika through the steps of how to take a new brand from concept all the way to profit. 

After explaining how she needed to start with a solid brand strategy that would allow her to communicate her business effectively, the lights clicked on. Starting from the ground up, we guided Erika through the many layers of building a powerful brand. 

From creating a business plan and marketing strategy, and creating a custom website, Erika went from newbie to expert in record time. Here’s what this process looked like.

Branding with Purpose Step 1 – The Brand’s Core

This is a decorative image for the case study titled "Branding with Purpose - How Erika Immediately Signed Her Ideal Clients".

First, we dove into mapping out the following foundational elements:

  1. Defining who Erika is as a leader for others
  2. Identifying and then analyzing similar experts in her industry
  3. Bringing specificity to what made Erika unique from these experts
  4. Creating in-depth target audience profiles 

Once Erika created a strong brand foundation, she could not stop telling us how clear and confident she felt. “[Wild Womn Haus] took my jumbled words and intentions for a business and turned them into a clear mission and vision for the change I wanted to make in the world.” – Erika A, previous WHH client

Our process allowed her to not only clarify what her brand was and who it was for, but also allowed her to see how distinct her brand was from similar experts in her industry. At this point, she was beyond excited to move on to the next step of building her brand.

Branding with Purpose Step 2 – Brand Positioning Process

This is a decorative image for the case study titled "Branding with Purpose - How Erika Immediately Signed Her Ideal Clients".

When it comes to branding with purpose, we guided Erika to pull the positive impact she wants to have on the world into the brand positioning process. It wasn’t enough to simply describe her brand to others, Erika needed to emotionally enroll her community into her vision.

Why? Because 13% of consumers would pay 31-50% more for your products or services if they were under the impression that your business is making a positive impact on the world[1].

First, we positioned Erika’s brand as an invaluable resource that is the obvious solution to her target audience’s problems. But we didn’t stop there. Erika’s brand also needed to represent the transformation she is catalyzing within her industry to shake up the status quo. Therefore, we positioned her brand as a source of change within the sphere of public health. 

Ultimately, Aengle isn’t just a brand, it’s a movement. Through the use of strategic and intentional positioning, we were able to ensure that Erika’s brand would stand out and attract her perfect clients. After completing the brand positioning process, Erika was ready to build out her brand communication.

Branding with Purpose Step 3 -Brand Communication

This is a decorative image for the case study titled "Branding with Purpose - How Erika Immediately Signed Her Ideal Clients".

Without a shadow of a doubt, learning how to effectively communicate is a skill that most entrepreneurs struggle with. It takes a tremendous amount of practice, patience, and persistence to become a powerful communicator.

But as our lead copywriter Angelica Ross likes to say, “you don’t have to like it, but as an entrepreneur, you have to learn the mechanics of effective communication.”

Therefore, the brand communication process is one that we spend the most amount of time supporting our clients. 

Because 89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values[2], it’s incredibly important that you use the branding with purpose process in your communications. When you can lean on the foundation that you’ve built for your brand (values, mission, purpose, etc), it becomes easy to build a loyal audience.

Erika admitted this aspect was a bit intimidating for her, but after a few weeks of practice, feedback, and revisions, her communication confidence soared. Because of her willingness to write those “shitty first drafts”, Erika soon established her unique brand voice. In effect, this allowed her to:

  • Write 7 pages of compelling website copy
  • Create the language for all of her social platforms and marketing channels
  • Build out multiple (and complex) email automations and funnels
  • Create a Patreon site
  • …and so much more!

Equipped with powerful copy and brand communication messages, it was time for Erika to dive into the Brand Design process.

Branding with Purpose Step 4 – Creative Direction & Brand Design

As a collaborative branding agency, we are blessed to have 3 incredibly talented female designers on our team. When a client signs on for a custom package, she is given the opportunity to review the portfolios of our designers and select the design expert who best aligns with her vision.

For Erika’s brand, we had the pleasure of bringing Mio Frye, the founder of Indigo District on as her lead brand designer and website creator. 

Many entrepreneurs who work with designers for the first time quickly discover that the process is much more complicated than they anticipated. 

Most of the time, entrepreneurs do not have enough clarity on how to express what their brand should look and feel like. We often hear “I can see it in my head, but I don’t know how to communicate what I’m looking for”. 

When you can’t provide feedback and clear guidance to designers, you’re setting yourself up for wasted investments. 

Because of the mentorship, Erika received while establishing her brand foundation, this part of the brand-building process was a piece of cake. 

By combining the information gathered from the first 3 phases of our process, Erika was able to effectively communicate exactly what she wanted her brand to look like. 

As a result, Mio was able to deliver a beautiful and high-end brand identity and website. Erika was stoked, to say the least. Now it was time to amp up Erika’s brand visibility with a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Branding with Purpose Step 5 – Marketing Strategy

You know those brands that WOW you at every corner? Their emails are amazing, their social content kicks ass, and their website is popping off…we could go on, but you get the point.

As a branding and marketing agency, we are the experts behind the scenes who help these brands create the strong presence you enjoy so much! Trust us when we tell you, it’s not magic…it’s STRATEGY!

A powerful marketing strategy will set you up with a plan of action for communicating your brand on multiple platforms. This is important because presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%[3].

Because of the research we had performed on Erika’s industry, we identified 5 marketing platforms that would get Erika’s brand in front of the right audience.

After a week of planning her marketing strategy, Erika was able to prep content for her:

  • Website through a lead generator
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Twitter handle
  • Email list
  • Patreon membership

Essentially, all she had to do was schedule her content, press GO, and sit back as her marketing strategy did the heavy lifting for her. All we had left to do was create a launch strategy for Erika’s new brand, Aengle Consulting LLC.

Branding with Purpose Step 6 – Launch Strategy

A launch strategy is essential for anything new you release through your brand. Even if your business isn’t new, a launch strategy will support you in successfully promoting (and selling) new offerings, projects, etc. 

For Erika’s launch strategy, we knew it was important to invite her current community to become her brand stakeholders. Brand stakeholders aren’t just people who monetarily invest in your business. They are also individuals who are emotionally invested in the success of your brand.

Therefore, we made sure to inform everyone in her current professional community about the exciting launch of Aengle LLC.

Next, we mapped out the frequency, content specifics, and timing for promoting Erika’s brand on the rest of her marketing channels. 

And in January 2022, Erika launched her new business, Aengle Consulting, into the world. Here’s what happened during the first month of Erika’s launch.

Branding with Purpose – The Results as of January 2022

This is a decorative image

Because of the preparation, clarity, and confidence that Erika was equipped with, the first week of her launch was insanely successful. 

During the first week of her launch, Erika:

  1. Organically grew her social media following with qualified leads
  2. Sold her first Patreon membership and gained a loyal customer
  3. Was met with overwhelming feedback and congratulations

“[Wild Womn Haus] “ provided more than just brand strategy, on our calls [they] provided me with useful resources to solve a problem, showed me how different tools help support business needs and provided me with advice and business strategy/guidance. WWH was a mentor, business guide, AND MORE. I am so glad that I hired {WWH] at the start of my business venture.” – Erika A, previous WWH Client

But her success didn’t stop there.

During the third week of Erika’s business being launched, she:

  1. Organically attracted a qualified lead from one of her key marketing channels
  2. Crushed her first sales call
  3. Signed her first high-ticket package

Branding with Purpose Catapulted Erika to Success

 Hi! I’m Erika, founder and CEO of Aengle. I hold a BS in Microbiology, MPH in Epidemiology, and I am currently a PhD student in Epidemiology with a minor in Management Information Systems.

Erika is continuing to crush it in her business. To this day, she continues to update us on her success, and how big of an impact working with WWH had on her ability to bring her vision to life.

Equipped with clarity around her brand, confidence in selling her offerings, and a full toolbelt of business skills, Erika has become the powerful entrepreneur she set out to be.

What would have otherwise taken her over a year to construct, Erika was able to take her brand from concept all the way to profit in just 6 months. By working with Wild Womn Haus, she saved time, energy, and money by getting the support and expert guidance she needed.

“I didn’t even know that I needed all of this help and I am so glad I found [WWH] when I did. She used her years of experience and talent to create something truly meaningful, and my business is going to flourish because of our work together. Do not hesitate to hire [them]!” – Erika A, previous WWH client

Curious about exactly what services Erika invested in? Here’s the breakdown of her exact package:

  • 1:1 Brand Mentorship and Strategy Package
  • Complete Brand Identity Package
  • Executive Website package 
  • Copywriting support 

Want to see Erika’s full website? Take a peek at Curious to read Erika’s full testimonial? Check it out here!

What Happens Next?

If like Erika, you also have a relentless desire to make a difference in the world, we are here to help! As a collaborative branding agency by womn, for womn, we are here to meet you every step of the way on your road to success. 

We provide all-inclusive branding/marketing services, such as:

  • Intentional Brand Strategy
  • Design and Website Building
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • …and so much more!

If you’re curious to learn how the WWH team can guide you in bringing your big vision to life, we invite you to book a 30-minute Complimentary Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau. 

WWH Team Members on This Project

This is a decorative image for this Wild Womn Haus client case study.

Brand Strategist

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries.

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways.

Meet Mio Frye! Our Lead Brand and Custom Website Designer!

Brand and Web Designer

Mio Frye is a visual designer who creates memorable brands, websites, and unique user experiences.

She is the founder of The Indigo District, where she specializes in social media marketing, branding and identity design, web design, and custom illustration work.

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