The Best Customer Experience – Our Tips On How to Create It

If your goal is to increase your sales, you need to become obsessed with creating the best customer experience. 

When you take care of your people like no one else does, you will imprint your brand into the hearts and minds of your community. This is how you not only build a profitable business but a brand that is truly one of a kind.

In this article, we’re filling you in on The Best Customer Experience – Insider Expert Info On How to Create It. We’ve been in this game for a while, and we’re giving you advice from years of experience with growing brands and scaling businesses. 

It’s time to hit those sales goals, WOW you customers, and keep them coming back for more!

Tip #1 – Expand Your Concept of When the “Customer Experience” Begins and Ends.

It’s easy to think that the customer experience parameters need to be limited to your sales process. But as an entrepreneur, you are always selling in some capacity. 

From the moment someone discovers your social account, website, or digital ad, you are selling your brand to them. Even after someone buys from you…what happens next? 

To create the best customer experience, every touchpoint needs to reflect the level of quality and personality that you intend your brand to represent. 

Tip #2 – Personalize Everything with Your Brand Voice and Personality.

How many times have you signed up for a newsletter or made a purchase, only to be met with a default message such as “you’re subscribed”, or “thank you for your purchase”

We’re sorry, but what a buzzkill.

Remember, any brand communication that is left to the default (such as bios, about sections, confirmation messages, auto-replies, etc.) will not only be ignored but will come off as lazy. 

You don’t have to be anal to pay attention to the details! And in this day and age, the details will make or break the perceived value of your brand. 

Want to hone in your unique brand voice? Check out How to Develop Your Brand Voice Like a Pro (Plus Tips We Give Our Paid Clients).

Tip #3 – Automate the Onboarding and Off-boarding Process (or Sales Process) for the Best Customer Experience. 

It takes very little effort on your part to make the experience of someone working with you (or buying from you) streamlined. Yes, it is critically important to maintain a human connection in as much of your business as possible. And yet, there’s no reason why an automated system or process that is fundamental to your customer experience can’t look, feel, and sound like you.

There is a way to automate literally everything in your business.

If you’re a service-based business, start by automating your contracts, document sharing, invoices, and booking links for your onboarding process. Then, automate your testimonial requests, upsells, and closing documents for your off-boarding process.

If you’re a product-based business, automate your abandoned cart reminders, receipts/invoices, manufacturing process, confirmations, and customer feedback and reviews.   

Tip #4 – For the Best Customer Experience, Answer Customer Questions Before They Ever Have to be Asked.

If there is one skill you can adapt in order to become a rockstar brand builder, it is the ability to anticipate your customers’/clients ’ needs before they ever have to ask. This level of care and foresight feels like a luxury experience.

When every detail has been taken into consideration, your clients know they can relax and trust that they made a solid investment in your business.

Some questions to ask yourself could be: “what will my customers/clients need to…”:

  • find my website? 
  • sign up for my freebie and implement it?
  • book a discovery call OR ask a question
  • get more information about my offerings?
  • sign up for my offerings OR make a purchase?
  • make a return OR request a refund?
  • contact me in general?
  • submit a testimonial or review?
  • make a referral?
  • get the most out of my offerings?

Tip #5 – Regularly Check In With Your Customers/Client.

Trust us, you’re not bugging your customers/clients, they actually really appreciate you checking in! Your thoughtfulness shows that you are invested in providing them with the very best service or ensuring their satisfaction with your products. 

Where can you add value to your offerings by following up with customer satisfaction? When does it make sense to ask your clients if they are getting what they need out of your services? 

By checking in with your customers regularly, you are also ensuring a raving testimonial or review by giving yourself the opportunity to improve or correct any aspect of your business that isn’t being of service to your clients.

Tip #6 – For The Best Customer Experience, Always Be on The Lookout for How to Go Above and Beyond.

As mentioned in the first tip, your “customer experience” starts the moment someone discovers the brand, and doesn’t really end until they choose to take their loyalty elsewhere. With this huge spectrum that covers the full customer experience, ensuring that everything is running top-notch is key for the continued success of your business! 

Similar to how you should perform a brand identity audit at least once a year, it’s also a very smart business decision to implement regular customer experience evaluations. 

Not sure how to perform a brand identity audit? Check out this article: A Quick And Dirty Guide To Performing a Brand Identity Audit.

Even if you have hundreds of 5-star reviews, glowing testimonials, consistent cash flow, and endless referrals, do not get lazy. Always be on the lookout for how you can go above and beyond with improving your customer experience. 

The customer experience can make or break the success of your business. 

The customer experience can make or break the success of your business, but with a little additional effort and attention to detail, you can rest assured that your clients are receiving the best care possible. 

One of the main objectives in your sales process should be to retain as many repeat customers/clients as possible. Why? Because these are people who have already trusted you with their dollars. 

If your customer experience was great the first time around, they’ll be more likely to come back for future investments. That’s the power of an amazing customer experience.

If getting support with your improving your customer experience is your next step, we invite you to book a Complimentary 30-minute Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau, who can support you in exploring how to create a customer experience that stuns your community and keeps them coming back for more!

Ready to book a Complimentary 30-minute Call? Click here to schedule!

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About the Author

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is the brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line. 

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways. Follow her on Instagram @tristan.wildwomnhaus and TikTok @tristan.wildwomnhaus. You can also follow the agency on Instagram @wildwomnhaus.

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