PODCAST – The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics w/Shawna Kathleen

Looking to master sales conversations, pricing, and raising your rates? This conversation about The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics for Raising Your Rates w/Sales Expert, Shawna Kathleen is for you!

Shawna Kathleen is the owner of GoldMind, host of GoldMind Podcast & is an international spiritual life & business mentor. Shawna teaches female entrepreneurs the art of self-trust so they can have high impact, heart-centered sales conversations that convert.

Shawna has an impressive 11 years of sales experience. She now teaches her clients to create success through unconventional means like emotional mastery, mind-body connection, and Universal Law. She has helped her clients confidently raise their rates and sell high-ticket packages ranging from $1k to $10k and beyond.

Shawna believes that owning a purpose-driven business calls us forward. It opens up the perspective to see sales as one of the best practices for connection. And it all comes down to embodying the infinite wealth and abundance we all wish to see.

Here’s a taste of the topics Shawna walks us through in this episode: 

The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics for

Common energetic blocks and limiting beliefs to selling with confidence:

  • Sales are “icky”
  • I’m bad at sales
  • I am not in love with the clients I’m getting on the phone with

The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics for

  • Holding heart-driven sales calls
  • Increasing your conversions with integrity
  • Boldly raise your rates
  • Feeling camera confident
  • Pricing your offerings

Click here to listen to the full show on Apple Podcasts!

This is a decorative image Tristan Thibodeau, who is the host of this episode of The Wild Womn Hotline,  titled "The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics for Raising Your Rates w/Sales Expert, Shawna Kathleen".

Connect with the Host!

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is the brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.

Follow her on Instagram @tristan_thibodeau_ and follow the agency on Instagram @wildwomnhaus and on TikTok @wildwomnhaus!

This is a decorative image of the guest expert for this episode of The Wild Womn Hotline titled "The Somatic Sales Process and Tactics for Raising Your Rates w/Sales Expert, Shawna Kathleen".

Connect with the Guest Expert!

If you enjoyed today’s guest expert, Shawna Kathleen, and want to learn more about her work, you can find her on: 

And don’t forget to check out Shawna’s “Heart Cave Meditation” where you will be guided through a gratitude meditation focused on letting the good in so you can express from deeper purpose.

Looking for More Info on Sales and Camera Confidence? Check out these resources!

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