Repositioning a Holistic Health Brand feat. Free Air Life CO

When Kelsey Maxine – Founder of Free Air Life CO, came to us in December of 2021. She was overwhelmed and confused. As a jack of all trades in the wellness industry, Kelsey had an enormous toolkit of skills. But a lack of clarity was stopping her from packaging and selling them effectively. This confusion was stopping her from attracting qualified leads. It became very difficult for her to know how to position herself in the already saturated wellness industry. 

However, Kelsey had a vision for her future. She wanted“to identify a structure to create packages/programs that individuals could go through at their own pace”. Kelsey wanted to feature “meditations, tapping, breathwork, yoga classes, nature baths, self-massage, journal prompts, etc”.

She knew where she wanted to end up in her business, but she felt “ pulled in a bunch of different directions”. Kelsey described how she would get “spread too thin and overwhelmed because of [her] lack of structure and strategy”.

In order for her brand to thrive, Kelsey also knew that she needed a “marketing hub” where she could direct potential clients to learn more about her offerings. However, “[her] website was not yet live, and [she] needed help sorting out [her] offerings”.

This is a decorative image for this case study titled “How We Helped Holisitc Health Brand, Free Air Life Colorado, Pivot Into Corporate Wellness”.

Over the next 4 months, we helped Kelsey 

  1. Evaluate her current brand positioning
  2. Refine her target audience 
  3. Curate her skills into comprehensive, yet targeted offerings
  4. Revamp her website for effective communication and marketing

Read on to learn more about the strategy we put in place for the Free Air Life Colorado brand and the success that Kelsey experienced as a result.

Repositioning Phase 1 – Auditing the Free Air Life CO. Brand

Every project that we take on begins with a thorough audit of the brand. During this phase of our process, we perform a “checkup” that measures your brand’s position in the marketplace as well as other strengths and weaknesses. 

A typical brand audit will focus on the internal communication that contributes to a brand’s values, mission, and company culture. But at Wild Womn Haus, we take things a step further.

Our signature brand audits include a full profile of your brand’s

  • vision, goals, and objectives
  • market and industry 
  • target audience 
  • differentiation and positioning
  • personality, voice, and tone
  • communication and storytelling
  • accessibility and visibility 
This is a decorative image for this case study titled “How We Helped Holisitc Health Brand, Free Air Life Colorado, Pivot Into Corporate Wellness”.

Repositioning Phase 2 – Brand Strategy Development

After completing our audit of Kelsey’s brand, we discovered that she was not communicating to the correct target audience, leading to unpredictable sales and revenue. Whereas Kelsey was accustomed to working with individuals on a one-off basis, we wanted to find a niche that would allow the Free Air Life brand to operate on a contract basis, thus ensuring predictable and stable revenue.

In our research and through many conversations with Kelsey, we uncovered that her brand was poised to move into corporate wellness. Her passion for serving teams and organizations combined with an increased demand for corporate wellness professionals made it clear who Free Air Life Colorado should be serving.

It’s important for us to note that we never suggest a brand reposition into a new niche or market without reinforcing our recommendations with industry data.

In the process of developing a strategy for Kelsey’s brand, we discovered that experts project the wellness tourism market will reach a value of $1.3trn by 2025. Plus, in a 2022 survey, over half of employees aged 18-24 said they would rather quit their jobs than be unhappy at work. This indicates an increased need for employers to offer additional wellness perks and benefits to their employees in order to maintain or improve workplace happiness.

After a deeper dive into our research process, we also learned that some companies are already implementing such wellness perks into their employee benefits. For example, companies such as Salesforce have announced plans for the Trailblazer Ranch, an employee work-and-wellness center in the redwoods of California. Retreat stays at the ranch combined regular work schedules with wellness activities such as yoga and hiking, which Kelsey was already offering through her business.

Trauma-informed practices such as breathwork can help guests open up. At Sensei's Hawaii resort, a biofeedback device studies how the nervous system reacts to emotional responses
image credit:

We saw how wellness professionals such as Kelsey have the opportunity to partner with employers by building new wellness experiences that celebrate career milestones and business accomplishments, or simply offer meaningful ways to take care of oneself.

This showed us that the “corporate wellness” niche was a hungry market, and with Kelsey’s diverse skillsets in holistic healing, somatic work, and body care, we were confident to move forward with our plan to reposition Free Air Life Co. into the corporate wellness space.

Repositioning Phase 3 – Copywriting

Next up, clear and compelling copywriting! Before we begin the process of revamping a website in order to increase discoverability and improve the conversion rate, we always start with copy. Compelling copy draws 7.8 times more site traffic and produces brand recall which brings higher engagement rates. Because of this, we always advise our clients to rework their website copy to align with the brand strategy we have developed so that they reach their goals as quickly as possible.

Part of our brand strategy development process includes a deep dive into developing a unique brand voice, tone, and vocabulary that will resonate with the chosen target audience.  Kelsey notes that the systems and processes we use to support our clients with integrating her new brand voice and communication style were one of her favorite aspects of working with Wild Womn Haus.

“One of my favorite takeaways is the Google Folder [they] create with you. [They] are so organized and [have] the skills to help you tackle [your] brain dumps with a timeline”.

Equipped with a brand strategy that instructed Kelsey on how her brand should speak to its new target audience, she was able to write all new copy for her website and marketing materials.

This is a decorative image for this case study titled “How We Helped Holisitc Health Brand, Free Air Life Colorado, Pivot Into Corporate Wellness”.

Repositioning Phase 4 – Restructuring the UX

The goal of the Free Air Life CO. website was to ensure the brand spoke directly to individuals interested in hiring Kelsey for corporate wellness events.  After integrating the strategic copy that was written for Kelsey’s site, it was time to reorganize the user experience.

It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they’ll stay or leave. Additionally, 88% of online shoppers say they wouldn’t return to a website after having a bad user experience.

Therefore, we knew the homepage needed to deliver clear communication and dramatic emotional response. On top of that, the entire UX of the website needed to be smooth, straightforward, but still jaw-dropping. Once the homepage was delivering the intended message and imagery, we improved the overall journey that a user would take as they clicked through Kelsey’s site. The end result was a website that not only looked beautiful but was optimized for conversion.

Below is a snapshot of what we designed for the homepage, and you can click here to see the entire Free Air Life website.

This is a decorative image for this case study titled “How We Helped Holisitc Health Brand, Free Air Life Colorado, Pivot Into Corporate Wellness”.

Repositioning Phase 5 – Improving Brand Visibility 

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, brand visibility is a measure of how consumers can recognize or remember a particular brand. Due to the thorough brand audit that we provided at the beginning of our project with Free Air Life, we were able to provide Kelsey with a list of the most strategic places her brand should appear in order to be visible to her target audience.

This list included:

  • Social media bio links
  • Business cards 
  • Marketing materials 
  • Email signatures 
  • Redirects from freebies 
  • Booking pages 
  • Invoices 
  • Proposals
  • and more

As a result of the brand strategy we developed for Free Air Life CO, Kelsey has since been able to double (and in some cases triple) her rates, leading to more revenue on a month-to-month basis. Equipped with a powerful brand visibility plan and clarity on her target audience, Kelsey has been able to work long-term with corporate wellness programs such as those shown below.

This is an image depicting the corporate wellness partners that Free Air Life Colorado has worked with.

Kelsey’s Experience Working w/Wild Womn Haus

In effect, Kelsey has been able to focus her efforts, eliminate offerings that were not generating consistent income, and take meaningful steps forward to growing her impact-driven brand, Free Air Life CO.

Working with Kelsey was an absolute pleasure and to us, there is nothing better than collaborating with a client who has a deep-rooted passion for their craft. And with Kelsey’s passion, multifaceted skills, and knack for working with people, we’re excited to see how her brand continues to support the growth of her business for years to come. Here’s what Kelsey had to say about her experience working with the Wild Womn Haus team.

“My container with WWH was an immense blessing. Not only did I have [a team] rooting for me every step of the way, but [they] also exemplified leadership by hearing my concerns, and then showing me how to identify, organize, and prioritize the very steps to arrive at where I was headed. 

This is a decorative image for this case study titled “How We Helped Holisitc Health Brand, Free Air Life Colorado, Pivot Into Corporate Wellness”.

[The team] often reflected back to me specific things *I had said* that re-inspired me and encouraged me to build not just my brand, but a relationship of inner trust and boldly embrace my own authority over my business, to hold space for my vision for impacting the world, and learn to applaud MYSELF for creative ideas. Attentive listening, as well as [their] knowledgable support and ability to reframe situations are tools [they] utilized to help me find success. 

Working with Wild Womn Haus will be a decision that you can respect yourself for making, an investment that will bring clarity to your passion, and a fun experience that includes being celebrated by your team all the while learning to celebrate yourself. Trust that you will experience genuine heart-minded support that leaves you with strategy and joy in your work! THANK YOU! – Kelsey Maxine, Founder of Free Air Life CO.

Looking for Support?

If like Kelsey, you also have a relentless desire to make a difference in the world, we are here to help! If you’re interested to learn how the WWH team can guide you in bringing your big vision to life, we invite you to book a 30-minute Complimentary Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau. 

WWH Team Members on This Project

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study.

Brand Strategist

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line. 

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways.

Want to read more case studies of brands we’ve helped to grow? Check out the links below!

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