PODCAST – Is It Time to Rebrand Your Business? Here’s How to Know.

When you rebrand your business, the primary goal is to improve and refine your brand strategy, messaging, and visuals so that it continues to speak to your intended target audience.

There are 6 main reasons why it’s a great idea to rebrand your business, and in this solo cast of The Wild Womn Hotline, Tristan guides you through each one. *bonus points* – it’s only 15 minutes and packed with value.

By listening to this episode, you’ll be able to identify if it’s time to embark on a rebrand so that you can clear up confusion and ensure your brand emotionally resonates with your target audience!

If you find this episode helpful in your brand-building journey, we would be so appreciative if you could leave us a rating and/or review on Apple Podcasts. If you do, snap a screenshot, and email it to podcast@wildwomnhaus.com, and we’ll send you a free gift as a sign of our appreciation!

Here’s a taste of the topics Tristan walks us through in this episode: 

Is It Time to Rebrand Your Business? Here’s How to Know!

  1. You want to work with a different ideal client
  2. You’re adjusting your price point and leveling up to premium
  3. You are pivoting industries
  4. You’re expanding your service offerings 
  5. You have evolved your leadership and are feeling disconnected from your current brand 
  6. It’s been more than 2-3 years since you updated your brand

Click here to listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts!

This image features Tristan Thibodeau, the host of this podcast episode

Connect with the Host:

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.
Follow her on Instagram @tristan.wildwomnhaus and follow the agency on Instagram @wildwomnhaus and TikTok @tristan.wildwomnhaus!

Looking for More Info on Rebranding Your Business? Check out these suggested blogs!

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