PODCAST – Resonance & Manifestation w/Carrie Schmidt

You’ve likely heard of the law of attraction, but have you ever heard of resonance and its role in manifestation?

In episode 37 of The Wild Womn Hotline, Carrie Schmidt joins the conversation to teach us about resonance. Essentially, how to embody the energy of having already accomplished your goals and big vision.

As the Founder and CEO of Infinite SOULutions, LLC, Carrie Schmidt puts the SOUL in SOULutions by transforming lives personally and professionally. Carrie is a dynamic, influential Thought Leader and Motivational Speaker. She has the ability to instantly captivate your mind and motivate your heart. By awakening your soul, she empowers you to gain clarity on your purpose, overcome limiting beliefs, and have the courage to act on your dreams.

After achieving top-level leadership roles and a 6 figure salary (everything she dedicated all her efforts toward in corporate America), Carrie still felt a longing for something greater. She embarked on a spiritual journey of personal discovery and development that led her to research the fundamentals of psychology, neuroscience, and quantum physics. 

Now a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Carrie offers life coaching programs and business consulting services, and her vision is to reach, teach, and transform over 1 million lives globally by helping raise human consciousness. She is releasing her first book, Behind the Screen on June 1st, 2022.

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Click here to listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts!

Here’s a taste of the topics Carrie walks us through in this episode: 

How Carrie left behind a 6-figure corporate position and used Resonance to create a transformational personal brand

  • The power of networking and personal connection
  • Commit yourself to self-education 
  • Find an expert to offer you an objective perspective on your brand

Carrie’s “Timeline System of Transformation” signature process for manifesting the life you deserve 

  • The “screen” is your perspective of how you view life
    • Noticing your unconscious behavior patterns 
  • Raising your level of awareness to gain power
    • The importance of stepping out of your patterns as an entrepreneur

The Law of Resonance is the missing link in the manifestation process

  • Becoming a vibrational match for what you’re trying to attract
  • How to stay connected to the correct energy of your vision
  • Use the affirmation: “I can. I will. I am.”
  • Using moments of energetic potency to ground into aligned resonance

Behind the Screen and the Law of Resonance

  • Letting down the veil and breaking down the walls of vulnerability 
  • Ego vs Spirit, and Ego vs Love
  • The 7 Steps of Carrie’s “Life Timeline System of Transformation” 

Click here to listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts!

This image features Tristan Thibodeau, the host of this podcast episode

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.

Follow her on Instagram @tristan.wildwomnhaus and follow the agency on Instagram @wildwomnhaus and TikTok @tristan.wildwomnhaus!

This is a decorative image of Carrie Schmidt, the guest of today's podcast episode titled "Resonance and Its Role in Manifestation with CEO of Infinite SOULutions, Carrie Schmidt".

Connect with the Guest Expert:

If you enjoyed today’s guest expert, Carrie Schmidt, you can follow her on Facebook @coachcarrieschmidt, on Instagram @carebearschmidt, and via her website www.carrie-schmidt.com

And don’t forget to take advantage of the complimentary 60-minute strategy session that Carrie is offering to the Wild Womn Hotline fam!

Looking for More Info on Manifestation? Check out these suggested blogs!

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