PODCAST – Why Polarization & Authenticity Are King w/Lindsay Hanson

About this episode: 

If you enjoyed EP 53 all about “How to Find Your Authentic Voice” w/Former Hollywood Actress, Kelsey Formost, then you’re going to love this week’s conversation about how polarization and authenticity create the most effective marketing with Lindsay Hanson.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Hotline podcast transcipt titled “How Polarization and Authenticity Create the Best Marketing w/Freelance Digital Marketer, Lindsay Hanson”.

In 2018, Lindsay Hanson quit her accounting job just a year into her career in search of something more. In the depths of her quarter-life crisis, she knew she couldn’t spend the next 40 years going to an unfulfilling job and punching numbers into a spreadsheet. And she knew there had to be a life where she could make good money doing work she loves while making a real impact on the world. So she sought to find it.

Fast forward 3 years, and Lindsay is an online business coach, freelance digital marketer, and host of the Quit Your Job, Sis podcast. She’s helped dozens of women to leave their unfulfilling corporate jobs and turn their passions into authentic & impactful online businesses. Now, she’s here to share her journey and help women around the world to know that a 9-5 isn’t the only path to success.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Hotline podcast transcipt titled “How Polarization and Authenticity Create the Best Marketing w/Freelance Digital Marketer, Lindsay Hanson”.

In this episode, we discuss…

  • Why Lindsay encourages everyone to look at career pivots as the best education you can ever receive, and her advice on how to bring closure to previous chapters of your professional life
  • How to build trust with yourself as an entrepreneur who operates as a jack of all trades
  • The biggest mistakes that Lindsay sees entrepreneurs make when pivoting their brand and business
  • Being resilient to the ups and downs of social media engagement and keeping a clear mind so you can make smart business decisions
  • Tactical and intuitive strategy for discoverability, visibility, and building community for your podcast
  • The red flags of “inauthentic marketing” 
  • How to best use Instagram and TikTok for growing your community and reaching your target audience

Meet the Host and Guest Expert 

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus blog post.

The Host: Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness and beauty industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands to enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line. 

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Hotline podcast transcipt titled “How Polarization and Authenticity Create the Best Marketing w/Freelance Digital Marketer, Lindsay Hanson”.

Today’s Guest Expert: Lindsay Hanson is an online business coach, freelance digital marketer, and host of the Quit Your Job, Sis podcast.

She’s helped dozens of women to leave their unfulfilling corporate jobs and turn their passions into authentic & impactful online businesses. 

Now, she’s here to share her journey and help women around the world to know that a 9-5 isn’t the only path to success.

Links and Resources

Connect with Lindsay Hanson

Resources mentioned in this episode

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Hotline podcast transcipt titled “How Polarization and Authenticity Create the Best Marketing w/Freelance Digital Marketer, Lindsay Hanson”.

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Looking for more info on polarization and authenticity? We’ve got some suggestions.

Audio Transcript for This Episode

Host| Tristan Thibodeau:

Hello, you have reached The Wild Womn Hotline, a place for visionary entrepreneurs like you to listen in on value, packed episodes for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways. What’s up Wild Womn fam, welcome back to another episode of the hotline.

I’m so excited that you’re here because today we are having a deep dive conversation about something that tends to sound cliche, but is actually incredibly important in your marketing and in the success of your brand and business.

And that is authenticity. We are not talking about what authenticity is and is not because there’s plenty of information out there for that topic. We are talking about how to use authenticity to grow your brand, form connections with your audience and ultimately sign new clients or convert customers for your business.

This is something that is a very important topic. And while it may seem like a cliched subject, it is far from the truth. Authenticity is something that can help you get discovered. It is something that can help you form connections through a screen or through a podcast or something that is not in real life or person to person.

It is also something that can help you navigate the many different strategies of business. And of brand so that you are taking action from a place of alignment, rather than from a place of obligation or fear or imposter syndrome. This is such a relevant and timely conversation. And I’m so excited for you to listen to this conversation all about authenticity in your marketing from Lindsay Hanson.

Lindsay Hanson is a business coach. She is a freelance digital marketer, and she is also the host of quit your job SIS podcast. She has helped so many women to leave their unfulfilling corporate jobs and turn their passion into authentic and impactful online businesses. So let’s go ahead and dive on into this epic convo with Lindsay Hanson.

All right, Lindsay, you are like the epitome of a wild woman rebel child, which I love because you like completely, we have very similar stories actually in terms of had this awakening and turned our back on the nine to five corporate world and stepped into doing something that we had no freaking clue how to do, which was to start our business.

So before I kind of like drop all the bombs, can you tell us about your story, how you got started doing what you’re doing now and what that journey was like for you?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Yeah, it’s been a journey. So I used to be an accountant I went to school for accounting. Um, really, because I, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do when I was 18 years old and I had to pick my major and go to college.

Host| Tristan Thibodeau:

Because that’s what you do. Right. Which like does anybody at 18 know what they wanna do? For the it’s such a anyway, I digres continue.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

No, I know. So I chose accounting cause I, you know, it’s a good career path. You’ll always have a job. It’s stable, all those reasons. Um, and I, I kind of just went through the motions, got my degree.

I ended up getting my master’s degree and my CPA license. Um, so it was lots of studying. Lots of time went into starting this career. And then I started it and realized that I was miserable doing it. Um, I did not enjoy the work. I didn’t find it fulfilling. I just felt like I wasn’t on the right. It’s like I was on this path and I never stopped to be like, is this the path I really want to be on?

And then I finally had to stop and just be real with myself. Like I can’t do this for the next 40 years of my life. At least 40 years. And so it was about a year into my career when I kind of had my quarter life crisis moment of, okay, I cannot do this and I need to figure out what I’m gonna do instead.

Um, and so at the time I was really passionate about fitness. I had, I had been on my own fitness journey for a few years at that point. And I was kind of at that point where I’m like making workouts for my friends, like and helping them with their nutrition tips, things like that. And I was like, maybe I could be a personal trainer.

Like maybe I could be a fitness coach. I think I’d really love doing that. I would feel like I’m really helping people and making an impact. And I think that would be fulfilling for me. And so I went on to Google and I figured out how, what I needed in order to get certified as a personal trainer, I enrolled in a self-study course and I started studying for that while I was still working.

In my nine to five job. And then about six months later, um, I was about to take that exam and get my personal training certification. And I had been kind of had the wheels turning on this idea of starting an online coaching business, cuz I really wanted that freedom of like, I didn’t wanna work in a gym.

I wanted that freedom of sitting my own schedule, working with clients all over the world from my couch. Like that was the dream. Right? So long story short, I ended up quitting. Um, I put in my two weeks, the Monday after Thanksgiving of 2018, which was a few weeks before I even was, um, taking my certification exam.

But I was just at a point where I was like, I cannot do this for another day. Um, ended up passing, got certified. I launched my first online coaching program, January of 2019. And here we are. My business has now evolved from fitness coaching to life coaching now, business coaching slash um, social media management, podcasting, and all of the things that I’m doing now.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah. And I love that so much because you know, one of the big things we’re talking about today is authenticity and marketing. And before we really dive into that, I wanna ask you some introspective questions. Mm-hmm because your story and my story parallel so much. Yeah. In terms of that journey of trying something, realizing, okay, this is not it pivoting trying something.

Okay. This is still not it pivoting. Right. So I’m curious. Cause I know there’s a lot of people that maybe feel like they’re behind in life or that they’re wasting time or that what’s wrong with me. Why can’t I figure this out? Or why can’t I get my shit together? Like what happened? Why am I like this?

Right. And so I’m really curious from your perspective, especially considering you coach people on how to find a career that fulfills them, that they love to start businesses, what it may, whatever it may be. I’m really curious from your perspective of what is happening when somebody goes down a road to maybe get a degree.

Cause that was my case. I went, I got a lot of higher education for a degree that I am not using at all today. and I, you know, part of me, part of that, like small part of myself is like, man, I wish I had have done. I wish I would’ve had more foresight. Mm-hmm I wish I would’ve thought about things differently back then.

What do you think goes into the, like the mindset and the psyche of not knowing and kind of ping ponging around in life until you find that thing?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Um, I think, I feel like I’m still there in a lot of ways. Like I still feel like I don’t, I don’t have it all figured out. There are still moments where I’m like, is this really what I wanna be doing? Or I’m not really feeling as excited about this part of my business, as I used to, like, is there something else? And I still feel a little bit crazy in like, what am I even doing here? Like, did I choose the right thing? Am I on the right path? I still feel that way three and a half years into this business.

Right. And so I, for me, I’ve just learned to embrace it. I think we’re put into this box where we’re expected to pick what we wanna do at 18 years old. Right. And then do that thing for the rest of our lives. And some people do that. Some people are born knowing what they wanna do, like knowing what they wanna be when they grow up and then they do it and they love it and they do it for their entire career and it’s great. I am not that person. like, I just am not. And I think a lot of us aren’t, but we feel like there’s something wrong with us because we’ve been told you’re supposed to have one thing that you wanna do for the rest of your life. And I just don’t think that’s true for a lot of us. I think. A lot of us have passions.

We follow them. We, um, are really interested in something and then we kind of master it and then we wanna move onto something different. Right. And so I think that’s what, that’s, what has happened to me and a lot of the pivots that I’ve made in my business, it was like, I, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy fitness coaching.

I loved it. I just reached a point where it was like, this isn’t fulfilling me anymore. And I’m feeling called into something new. And so I think trusting yourself to follow that instead of making it mean anything about how you’re, you’re not on the right path or you chose the wrong thing. I don’t ever think of it that way.

I just think every pivot I make, every step I make is moving me closer to where I’m ultimately going. And it’s all adding up. Like I learned so much as a fitness coach and, and from launching that business and marketing it and finding clients, I learned so much about how to run a business, how to market, how to sell that I’m now applying to any business that I create. Right. So I don’t really look at it as like, oh, I chose the wrong path. And so I had to pivot onto the right path. It’s like, you’re always on the right path and you can’t, you can’t mess it up. So, but you, you have to trust yourself when you’re feeling called into that next step, into that next level.

I don’t see it as you’re on the wrong path. And you have to like get on the right path. It’s just, this is your path, right? Where you’re feeling called into doing something new and it’s time to explore that. And maybe you just are done with whatever phase of your life or career that you’re currently in.

Mm-hmm and that’s. Such a like permission granting way of looking at it. Yeah, because what I’ve come to realize is what if there’s nothing wrong with the way that I function? What if there’s something inherently limiting and constricting about the paradigm of career that we live in?

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah. Like literally, what if the problem is the fact that we have this huge cultural narrative that you are meant to do one thing you’re meant to find that one thing you’re meant to climb the ladder and be Uber successful in it. And that’s where you’re gonna make your wealth. That’s where you’re gonna build your recognition. That’s where you’re gonna find your security. And that’s kind of the thing that you specialize in, whether you stay at the same company or whether you move to different ones, you’re in one industry and that’s like your zone of genius.

What if that in and of itself is inherently the problem? What if the problem is that instead of the problem being us seeking fulfillment through the work that we do in life. And while you were talking, I was frantically looking for the name of this book because, uh, it brought to life a concept that I learned about in a book called rocket fuel. Have you, have you read that by Gina Wickman?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: I haven’t.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

It’s really good. So he introduces this concept. He, I don’t think he came up with it, but he introduces this concept of the visionary and the visionary is somebody in a company who literally ping pongs like their, yeah. Their magic is to ping pong and to get their hands dirty and to explore and to literally find the new idea. And then there’s a role of an integrator. And the role of the integrator is somebody that comes in to say slow down, we need to think about these things. First. We need to finish a, before we go to B. So it’s like a, it’s like a checks and balances system between the, the visionary and the integrator.

But what I hear from your story and what I resonate a lot with my own story is that visionary concept. There’s like this restlessness around fulfillment and around newness and around learning and discovery and something that I’ve really realized too, is that I may not be using the degree that I got in my bachelor’s in my master’s program in a straightforward way.

But, I can’t tell you how many people I’ve supported that have health and wellness businesses. My degree is in nutrition and dietetics. I can’t tell you how many brands I’ve supported that are in the health and wellness industry or that are in the dietetics industry, or that are in the functional hormone health industry.

Like that’s one of my niches, because I understand that world. So even though I’m not using it, it’s come full circle. And that has been something I’ve had to learn to give myself permission to be okay with and not beat myself up about because oh, I’ve invested all of this money and a, and a degree that I’m not technically using now what a waste of time I should have gone for business. I should have gone for marketing. I should have gone for whatever, maybe, but maybe I wouldn’t be doing the work that I’m doing now and working with the incredible people that I’m working with now. So, no, I love your story.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Yeah. I love your story. I fully agree. And I feel like I’m just at a point where I’ve stopped, like people will ask me, what do you want to do?

What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now? I’m like, I have no idea because what I thought I’d be doing even two years ago, I’m not doing that today. So what’s the point of even trying to, to map out my life that far. I I’m focused on what I want to do now, you know? And, um, also, I don’t know if you’re into human design at all, but I am a generator, so I’m not meant to know what I’m supposed to do in 10 years.

I’m meant to follow what I feel called into at the moment, right. And that changes all the time. And I think realizing that and accepting that about myself and embracing it instead of constantly fighting against it and feeling like there’s something wrong with me, um, is really, I think could benefit all of us.

Cause it’s exactly what you said. It’s not that there’s something wrong with you. It’s just that you’re trying to fit into this box that we just have decided you’re supposed to pick a career and stick with it for 40 years. And I just don’t think most of us fit in that box and you’re, you don’t have to have your entire life planned out.

So now I’m just at a point where I’m really embracing those pivots and trusting myself and it’s scary every time. It’s scary every time when I no longer am like, excited about what I’m doing and I know it’s time to move on to the next thing. And I don’t always know what that next thing is.

And so it can be scary, but if you can trust yourself and embrace it, I think it, it ends up creating such a beautiful journey. Cuz now I look back at all the things I’ve done and I’m like, it’s crazy how I got here, but I loved every second of it.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

You know, and you know, what’s funny is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is that you have to be agile, adaptable and malleable. Yeah, because I remember this. So in high school we have this whole project called a scope project and it’s basically you planning your career trajectory, right? Mm-hmm so it’s you sitting down and saying, well, this I’m gonna go to school for this and then I’m gonna get a job in this and then I’m gonna do this and then I’m gonna do this.

And I sat down with my advisor and I told her, I’m gonna go to school here. I’m gonna do a, I’m gonna do grad school. I’m gonna do a postdoc here. And then I’m gonna go travel here and I’m gonna work at this organization. And she laughed at me and she goes, wow, you’ve really thought about this. I’m like, well, isn’t that the assignment?

Yeah. Like literally isn’t that the assignment is to project where you wanna go with your career path. But I think the reason that she found it so funny is because of the fact that life changes so much. And the fact that situations change so much and that’s nowhere near what I’m doing. Now, that idea I thought I had, right.

But especially in the business world, like we are. And especially, even in my industry with branding, like with brand strategy and brand projections and vision and missions, some organizations encourage you to think 10 years into the future and for a business, our size where maybe it’s us and a couple team members where we are the visionary, we are the people leading the company forward and thinking of the ideas, we have to be able to adapt and change at the drop of a dime because what we thought might work and so of not working.

And then we have to pivot or something that we thought we were excited about. Turns out not to be exciting. So then we need to pivot again. And it’s just so funny how there’s this concept of, you have to know where you’re going. And so I’m really curious from your perspective, what are some of the things that we can do with our mindset, with our personal development tools, with just the way that we show up for life to really.

Confront. I don’t even know if confronts the right word, but I’m just gonna say confront that fear of uncertainty and get comfortable with the adapting quickly and with the agility so that we can ultimately trust ourselves, cause I think that’s what it comes down to trust yourself.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Yeah, it totally does. I think, and again, like I said, it, I still experience this all the time to this day. So there’s the fear is still there. Um, I think when we’re dealing with uncertainty, for me, you know, uncertainty, the fear that we have is just usually around a fear of failure, right. A fear. I mean, it’s a fear of the unknown, but it’s based around usually fear of failure, fear of judgment.

What if it doesn’t work out? Right. And so for me, My fear of regret was always stronger than my fear of failure. So I’m always willing to try something because I’d rather try and fail and move on to the next thing than never try and just have to wonder for the rest of my life. Like, what if I had just tried that thing?

What if I had just tried, you know, that creating a course or what if I had just tried starting that business? What if I had just reached out to that person?

Right, like, whatever it is that you’re afraid of the unknown, what if you never try at all? And to me, that fear was always stronger, so it was always worth it.

But I think also coming back to what’s the actual worst case scenario here. Cause you know, if we’re talking about something like quitting your job, that’s a huge unknown to jump into. And our brands naturally wanna go to like. Worst case scenario, you’re never gonna make any money and you’re never gonna be able to get a job again, and you’re gonna be homeless for the rest of your life.

And like, that’s not actually what’s gonna happen, cuz you’re not gonna let yourself get to that point. Like the actual worst case scenario is that I would go back and get another accounting job. Right. And so if my worst case scenario is being exactly where I am right now, then it’s worth, at least trying this thing that I’m feeling called into. And I think at the core of it too, is just having that deep trust that you have your own back. Like for me, I never knew how I was gonna create any of this, but I trusted myself to figure it out. Like even if, even if entrepreneurship didn’t work out, I would figure it out. I would find a job. I would.

Find another way to make money. Like I would, I would figure it out. I have my own back and I just have that kind of baseline trust in myself. Um, which I think really helped when I quit my job. But at the end of the day, it was just, it was, it was just a decision that like, I’m going to figure this out no matter where I end up whether it works or it doesn’t work, whether I succeed or fail, I have my own back.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

And the actual worst case scenario is just getting another job. So it’s, it’s worth trying and exploring this new thing, you know, mm-hmm and something that you’re talking about in inadvertently, and this is so funny, cuz it’s a concept that.

I learned about when I was going through like my era of just everything, personal development and everything like healing, inter like literally the era of this is called, um, the pain of presence versus the pain of absence. It’s a concept. Do you know what it is?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

I haven’t heard it in those terms, but I think I know what you mean. Yeah. yeah.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah. So that’s what you’re talking about. It’s a, it’s a concept from act, uh, which is excitement and commit commitment therapy, where the pain of presence is being willing to be with the uncomfortableness of whatever is arising.

So that you can experience whatever it is that you want to experience. The flip of that is the pain of absence. So the pain of absence is, I’m gonna be fine, staying in my shell and staying where I am, because this is more comfortable. But then what I think about is the pain of what it’s gonna cost me to not experience that thing.

So you have to choose the pain of presence. Mm-hmm in order, you have to be so okay. And willing to be all hell uncomfortable, not know what you’re doing, be afraid, be intimidated, but still show up because you know, that there’s something that you’re meant to do on the other side. Mm-hmm and that’s kind of like inadvertently the, the theory that you were talking about.

Yeah. Which is so funny. I think some people get it intuitively and then some people, when they hear the concept, they’re like, oh, that makes sense. Mm-hmm . So you’ve been doing this naturally yourself without really like. Knowing the formal theory behind it.

Lindsay Hanson: We totally have. Yeah.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

I love that so much. And I love this little tangent that we get on because originally we were going to talk about authenticity and marketing. We went down to this deep, deep rabbit hole about pursuing your dreams and doing what scares you.

Uh, and honestly, I think it’s so relevant because you know, one of my clients is coming to mind right now. She just launched a global association for functional hormone health. This is something that her and I have been working on for seven months originally.

It was just her and her business doing one on one consultation. Now she has a team. Now she has a full blown organizational international association website. Now she has so much more clout in terms of collaborating with different organizations, getting accredited by different organizations. And she was like, I literally had no idea that this is what it was going to be.

I just knew that there was something that needed to come out and I needed help to identify what that thing was, but she was willing to get uncomfortable, which is why she was able to bring this gigantic thing to life. That’s only gonna continue to scale and grow. Yeah. So this concept is relevant for everybody listening, if you know, in your heart that there’s something big inside of you that wants to be brought to life.

And that’s the majority of people listening. You have to be okay getting uncomfortable. You have to be willing to be crawling in your skin. Yeah. Not knowing what the hell you’re gonna do, but willing to take action because that clarity is on the other side of the fear.

So let’s dive into authenticity and market now, shall we? let’s do it. I would love to hear from your voice, like, what do you think? And, and this ties back in with what we’ve been talking about.

So let’s say somebody makes a big. It, somebody changes career paths. They either start a business or they pivot in their current business. Right, when you think about marketing and the way that people talk about those transitions and those pivots going from a to B, what are the biggest mistakes that you see people making in terms of clarity about the change, bringing their community with them, making sure that there’s strong storytelling.

What do you see as being the big things that are happening?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Hmm, that’s a good question. I think a lot of people are inclined to start, kind of start from scratch, right? Like, oh, I’m doing something completely different. So I need a brand new website. I need a brand new Instagram account, like I need to change up everything.

And I think usually that’s not true, even if you’re just starting. Right, a lot of my clients who are in a corporate job, and then they’re starting a side hustle are starting their business. They’re like, well, I have my personal like Facebook account or Instagram account. Should I just start a new one for my business?

And I’m like, no, why would you not speak to wherever you already have eyes? Right. So for me, I’ve had my same Instagram account. It’s my personal Instagram account. And I’ve used it through my entire business.

And for me, I think it’s exactly what you said is taking those people on the journey with you. And so, when I first started, it was like, I just started posting about fitness because I knew I was becoming a fitness coach. Right, so I told people, “Hey, I’m becoming a fitness coach, I’m getting my certification right now”. And just sharing my workouts, what I was eating, like whatever, and kind of taking them on that journey with me, um, in a lot of ways.

And then when I decided I wanted to pivot into life coaching, I remember just making like a video. I don’t know if it was on my story or like an IG TV or something, tikTok and reels were not around then, but I just made a video like explaining why I felt called to make that change and who I was now helping. And then, you know, all of my content from there was more so about life coaching and no longer about fitness. And so anyone who was only following me for fitness fell away. But I think, you know, there’s people who’ve been following me from the beginning and, and have enjoyed being on this journey with me.

And so I think that’s a huge, I would, I would say a mistake is, is kind of throwing it all away and starting from scratch because there are people who aren’t just following you for your business. They’re following you for you. They’re connected to you and your story and your journey. And honestly, some of my fitness coaching clients ended up becoming life coaching clients later on.

So you just never know. Um, and I would say always, always start with where you already have people wherever you already have an audience. It doesn’t have to be big, but wherever you already have eyes.

Why would you create a brand new account and start from zero is probably probably the biggest one.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

That comes to mind and something to kind of piggyback off of that, what can we do with the mindset that happens and the fears that come up in that transition period? Because one thing I hear all the time is I’m losing people. Things are tanking, my audience is going down and that puts you in a really, um, fight or flight, like scary situation when that starts to happen, because we wrap up so much of our success and our worth, but also our, um, like sustainability and longevity as a business in what’s happening with our social accounts. Cause that’s one of the main things we use to market and communicate with people.

What would you say to somebody that is considering a transition or in the middle of a transition and they’re watching numbers drop their watching engagement drop. They’re watching all these things happen. What would you say to them?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

I love this question and it, so goes back to you, authenticity in your marketing. So. I’ve always had a mindset of, I’m not going to focus on the numbers like cuz at the end of the day it really doesn’t mean anything.

And what I have seen is that if you’re showing up authentically, you are going to draw your people in, that doesn’t mean you have to have a big audience. If you have a hundred people following you, there’s probably at least two or three people who you can speak to and who you can help right now. And those two or three people could end, you know, if they end up becoming clients that could end up being a full time, like income for you on its own.

Right? So getting hyper focused on the numbers, um, really just doesn’t ever serve us because it’s not indicative of the success of your business. When I started my business, all I had was my Instagram account. I had 127 followers when I started posting about fitness coaching. I had maybe close to 200 when I launched my first program and I signed on eight clients in my first two of launching that

Host | Tristan Thibodeau: That’s badass!

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

So like the numbers just, they don’t, they don’t add up. They don’t have to make any sense. Right? Like it doesn’t make any sense that I did that with less than 200 followers on Instagram. And I didn’t even have a website. Like I was just using Instagram, you guys. So I would say stop focusing on the numbers so much at all.

Like, and this is really the power of authentic marketing and what it’s done for me in my business. I mean, I have my podcast, that’s brought in the majority, if not all of my coaching clients in the past year or two. Um, and many of those people are not even following me on social media. I have had people apply to work with me the same day they found my podcast and they’re like, I just immediately knew that you were the coach I wanted to work with.

Right, that’s insane. My podcast is not huge.

That was even like two years ago. I mean, I had just started my podcast. I had maybe a hundred downloads per episode. Like we’re talking tiny numbers, you guys.

So I would focus less on the numbers and focus more on the community, focus more on showing up authentically sharing what you have to share and sharing your message, sharing what you’re passionate about connecting with those humans, because it’s so easy to look at. Oh, I only have 3000 followers, like, okay.

But if there were 3000 people standing in front of you right now, that’s a whole lot of people. mm-hmm so I, I think just focusing more on the humans behind those numbers and building connections with them, cuz you only need at the end of the day, a handful of clients to create a full-time business, you know, and if you can connect with 2, 3, 4, 5 people in your audience.

You can do that. Even if you only have a hundred people in your audience. Right? My engagement, by the way, on social media, I guess mostly on Instagram, I get pretty good engagement on TikTok now, but like my engagement on Instagram has never been high. Like to this day, I get a handful of likes on my posts.

You guys like it’s never, but it’s never been something I focused on because in my mindset, my mindset has always been like, My in like, but the numbers don’t matter as much as the connections I’m making. So I don’t care if people are liking my Instagram post. I care about the DMS. I get every single week from people who are like, I found your podcast and it’s changed my life.

Right. Um, and so focusing on that, more so than just the metrics that really at the end of the day don’t mean much. And maybe I shouldn’t be saying that as a social media manager, but it really like your engagement is important, but it’s also not in a lot of ways. Does that make sense?

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah, it makes perfect sense. And I love the analogy. Like it always snaps me out of my head when I hear that analogy of, imagine if you had 3000 people in front of you, right. We just take it for granted. We don’t think those numbers are real people, but they are real people. And it’s something that we so easily brush under the rug, but when you literally stop and think about, okay, what if you had 25 people in front of you.

What if you had 50 people in front of you, what if you had whatever, like the amount of likes that you get on your post? What if you had that many people in front of you that would be a full workshop that would be a full seminar? Like, what are we talking about here? We just lose the perspective so easily and something I think would be really, really helpful for the Wild Womn fam to hear, because a lot of us do have podcasts.

A lot of us are starting podcasts, and I would love to hear some like tactical strategy, but also some more community building strategies. So when we think about the things that helped you get visibility for your podcast or helped you get discussion for your podcast, cause people finding you is two things happening.

There’s really strategic placement, like your visibility is really good, which means you’ve used really good language. You’re in a really good category.

Your episodes are really well written and, or the titles are really well written. So people click on them. Right?

On the flip side, then you have what you’re actually saying in those episodes and how you connect with people and the storytelling.

So this is a gigantic question. So if we kind of start with more of the tactical things that have worked for you, for visibility, you get discovered and to get people to listen. What would you say that those things are? Yeah. I love that question. I do want to say one more thing about social media that I thought of before we switch topics is engagement and like virality doesn’t always equal business.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

So there are a lot of people who get a lot of likes and a lot of comments and have a lot of followers and they’re not making money because they’re not actually building connections with those people and they don’t know how to monetize that audience. Mm-hmm so those are two different things, which is also a good thing to keep in mind if you’re getting caught up in the numbers going down, but.

I love the question about my podcast, cuz this is one of my favorite stories to tell. So um, I think SEO is important, right? So having a podcast, title and episode titles that are gonna be basically equal to whatever your target audience is searching. And I did this accidentally by being really authentic in my marketing.

So when I started my podcast, I had kind of been putting it off. Um, and I’m, I don’t really consider myself very creative. And one of the reasons I was putting it off is cuz I’m like, what the heck am I gonna name this thing? Like I wanted to come up with a creative name and I was like, I’m going to, I just knew I could go back and forth for like a year on what am I gonna name my podcast.

So I’m like, I can’t let myself do that. I am gonna go with the first name that comes to mind. I can always change it later, but I’m just not gonna overthink it. And I’m gonna go with it. And so the name that came to mind was Quit Your Job, Sis. And I went with it. It’s still the name of my podcast. but what ended up happening is most of my listeners found me because they’re literally searching in Spotify or apple podcast or whatever, quit your job.

Like they’re searching for that. And they’re literally in there searching for podcasts because they’re feeling stuck in that place of wanting to quit their job and not knowing what to do. So that’s how most people find me, but I didn’t do that intentionally at all. I wasn’t like, oh, what are, what are my people gonna be searching?

How can I put that in my podcast name? Um, So whether you do that intentionally or not, I think that has been by far the, the most common way that people tell me that they find my podcast is just by searching, quit your job. So if you’re thinking about what would my target audience be searching, definitely include that in either your podcast name or episode titles, um, whenever it’s relevant to, to what you’re speaking about.

Right? So I think, in terms of practical things, SEO, but I just love that story, cuz it’s such an example of like me just being authentic and it always ends up being the right marketing strategy.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

I love that so much. I love that so much. And in terms of episode or in terms of podcast title, I’m kind of fucked. Cause I don’t think anybody’s in researching Wild Womn Hotline, but where I do think it’s strategic is that somebody that. Aligns with that bold rebel change, making energy is gonna see that. And it’s gonna be so different from everything else in the entrepreneurship category. Yeah. So even if, and this is more so a message to everybody listening, even if your podcast name doesn’t necess isn’t the most descriptive or isn’t something that people would be searching for, is it something that your target audience would resonate with and attract them?

Right. But I do think the SEO in the episode, titles is so important and so necessary, cuz that will even come up on Google search if somebody’s searching for that.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: Yeah, no, it definitely will. And that really goes back to authenticity too. Right? Cause that’s partially, my podcast name is really good for SEO, but I think.

People also tell me it caught their attention. Not just because it says quit your job, but like the energy of it, right. It’s like quit your job SIS. Like it it’s very on brand. And so even just from my podcast title, they get a really good sense of who I am. I think choosing a title that’s authentic to you so that your people will be drawn into it.

Exactly, like you said, like the people who are listening to this saw your podcast title, and they were like, that is me. And they weren’t necessarily searching Wild Womn, but whatever they were searching, they, they saw your title and chose to listen to that episode.

Right. So at the end of the day, you have to, you have to choose something that feels authentic to you. And I think it’ll always naturally draw your people in, but it’s also important to be conscious of SEO and things like that. Like when I’m writing out my episode titles, I’m, that’s definitely, always on my mind.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah, for sure, and so I think those are kind of the big things that go into more of the tactical visibility side of things is naming descriptions, titles, et cetera. So if we switch into more of the community building things that you’ve done that have worked really, really well, this is all centered around authenticity.

But what does that actually look like? Maybe for somebody that feels really stuck in their head or feels really stuck in the, I have to do this to position myself this way or so that people will take me seriously or so that I come off authoritative. How do we blend the worlds of being authentic and connecting with people genuinely while still staying in a place of authority and leadership?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Yeah. I mean, I think you sharing your perspective. I think a lot of times we discount, we feel like we don’t have enough experience to speak on this topic, or we’re not an expert at it yet. Right, or who’s going to listen to me, but that’s, what’s going to differentiate you from everyone else because every single person.

Who is a marketing coach or a business coach is talking about marketing, right? They’re talking about SEO. They’re talking about all the same things that we all talk about, but there’s a reason why you’re drawn to specific coaches and it’s because they’re doing it in their own way.

And so I think for me, when it came to my podcast, it, I never, in the beginning at least never really approach it from that strategic marketing angle.

It was just like, I have something to say, and I wanna share this because maybe it’ll help someone. And I think that really benefited me becaue that’s the energy of my podcast and that’s the energy that, that people received when they were listening to it and it’s why they felt so compelled to reach out to me and apply to work with me or even just send me a message and be like this podcast episode made me cry.

And so I think when you’re focused on service and not wrapped up in your own mind in your own head about, am I good enough to talk about this topic? Um, that’s, what’s really gonna resonate with your people and help you to stand out.

 Because there are a billion, not literally, but there’s thousands of podcasts about business, right? So what differentiates mine is me is my perspective, my energy, um, my story and my journey.

And so being really authentic and vulnerable and honest with sharing all of that is I think the best way to differentiate yourself in this space.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

And this is such a great point to speak to. I it’s really important to balance the things that we know strategically help you get visible and become recognizable as a brand combined with the things that make you unique and different.

Yeah. So a really great case study of this is that we are currently revamping our agency website mm-hmm . And as part of that, anytime I do a big project, I do a lot of industry, investigation and analysis. I do that because I wanna see the personalities that are present in my space. I wanna see the way that people are talking about what they do.

I wanna see kind of like where everybody is, positioning themselves. So that I know how to help myself stand out and help the agency stand out. Right. Yeah. And what I discovered I did, I must have done 20, 30 audits of different agencies and whatnot. They’re all literally saying the exact same thing.

And I’m like, are you kidding me? There’s no story here. There’s no passion here. There’s no, there’s no reason why I should pay attention here other than the fact that you’re really good at what you do in terms of creativity and design, which is beautiful. I’m not discrediting that, but like how we have to be telling a story that’s different from everybody else, otherwise, how are we going to possibly stand out and attract people that resonate with us?

And so what I did was something that. Op, ultimately, I took a hard left turn from what I thought I was gonna do with the website revamp. And instead I told a story of a woman that knows in her heart that she has something really big, that she’s meant to do. And something really big that she wants to create, but she lacks the clarity to be able to bring it to life.

So everything we do in our agency is about clarity. It’s about discovery. It’s about getting really specific on what that thing is and then setting you up with a powerful plan to bring it to life in your marketing, in your communications, in your brand design, in your social media, in everything that you do, including your personal style, the way that you express yourself.

So that’s the story that we told on our website. And it was something that I felt was so unique and would resonate so strongly, cause it’s literally the stories of the clients that we work with. And I was like, okay, this is perfect.

Done, authentic, heartfelt, true, original, unique, done.

But I wouldn’t have known that. And I probably would’ve said the same thing everybody else was doing. Yeah. If I didn’t get curious about what was already happening. So for you in terms of authenticity and staying really true to yourself, do you think it’s a good idea and I’m really curious of just your like unbiased opinion?

Do you think it’s a good idea to look at what other people in your industry are doing or do you think that gets more in the way than it is helpful?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

That’s a good question. And I think it depends on you. So you have to, like, for me personally, anytime I look at what is somebody else doing? It gets me really in my head and it, I feel overwhelmed.

I’m like, oh God, there’s already so many people doing this. Like, there’s no room for me here.

Right. So I know that for me, that usually is not a good strategy because it takes me out of why am I doing this? And me just being able to show up authentically and share whatever I’m here to share. But I think the way that you do it and you are approaching it from that mindset of, I know there are a lot of other people doing this, but how can I stand out? Um, then that obviously works for you.

I think typically I encourage people not to look at what everyone else is doing mostly because I, the clients I work with are brand new business owners. And I feel like it’s just gonna bring you down that spiral of comparison and I’m not good enough. And there’s already too many people doing this, so there’s no room for me here.

Right. Um, so I’d say it depends on the mindset you have going into it. Typically I don’t spend a whole lot of time looking at what other people are doing, because for me, it doesn’t matter to me how other people are doing it. What matters to me is that I do it in a way that feels authentic and good and fun for me.

And I think that also is going to kind of naturally help you stand out too, because you have to, you have to enjoy what you’re doing or you’re not gonna show up and do it consistently. Right. And so for me, like approaching things from that very strategic, like if I had started my podcast from a strictly marketing strategic standpoint, I would probably hate it.

and I didn’t do that at all. I started it cuz I just wanted to, I wasn’t thinking about it from a business standpoint at all. Um, and naturally it became my most powerful marketing funnel in my business. Maybe that’s just the generator in me, but so I think it depends on you and you have to know yourself and like.

If, if it’s gonna be a good idea for you to look at what everyone else is doing, or if that’s just gonna make you spiral into comparison mode and imposter syndrome.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

And that’s something that my clients know that I have them do is I have them do a deep analysis of their industry and I do that for a couple different reasons is I want them to be informed, but I also want them to experience imposter syndrome in comparison, in a safe environment where they can come to me and say, wow, I am feeling so intimidated or I am feeling like I don’t have the space and that’s such a powerful mentorship opportunity to really unpack those things so that they’re more resilient to comparison syndrome. So I don’t think there’s a right or wrong. Yeah, I really don’t. I think it’s just based on what you find gets the best results for people, but my clients know that I’m a bit of an annoying asshole.

I’m like, you’re gonna do it and you’re gonna experience the shit storm that comes with it, and then we’re gonna work through it.

You’re gonna be 10 times stronger on the other side. So, I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong, but it is, it is a really interesting journey to go down and one thing that you keep hitting on is what’s authentic versus not authentic to somebody.

I’m curious from your perspective of what are the signs of authenticity versus inauthenticity in how we show up and if we want to call it marketing, cause that’s essentially what it is, but just how you show up. Like, what’s the difference between what are the red flags of the signs where you’re like, oh wow, that person is not being authentic versus that person is 100% being authentic.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Ooh. Okay. I feel like I can answer this from two perspectives, cause one is like on the outside looking in, how can I see those signs that someone’s not showing up authentically, but I think it’s also important. To know what those signs are for yourself of like, is this strategy I’m using authentic to me or not?

So I guess from the outside looking in, I think you can feel it like, I’m sure if you think about people who you follow podcasts, that you listened to, um, people on Instagram who you’re following, there are certain people who just have that spark. You feel like they are so passionate about what they’re doing.

You feel like, you know them through their content like you personally know them. I think, especially for podcasters, um, we tend to kind of become a part of our listeners week, um, weekly lives. And so if you feel that sense of like, I know this person, I think that’s a really clear sign that, that they are in their element, you know, and they’re doing something that they truly are passionate about in a way that feels authentic to them.

Because you can just sense, you can tell when someone genuinely enjoys what they’re doing versus getting on their Instagram story and reading off of some script because they’re just trying to sell you their newest program.

Right? So I think it’s something that you can really feel and sense. I think also when people are showing up authentically, sometimes their content can be polarizing, cause if you’re showing up and being true and sharing your beliefs, not everyone’s gonna agree with you.

So I like I’ve had a few TikTok videos go viral because there were a lot of people who disagreed with me in my comment section and sometimes that that’s part of it too. Um, is that their content might be really polarizing cause they’re just showing up unapologetically.

I think also there’s probably certain people you can think of where they just have a very distinct voice and that goes back to branding, but it’s really just like that they’ll maybe write an email in a certain way. And you’re like, oh, that’s so Lindsay, like, I can, I could tell that she wrote this from a mile away. So there might just be kind of that voice and that branding, that, that really stands out compared to other people who are doing the same thing.

And then from the perspective of, as an entrepreneur, how do you know that you’re a acting and, um, using strategies that are aligned for you? I think it really comes down to like, does this feel good to you? Like, I think a lot of times, especially in the beginning, we don’t trust ourselves. We feel like we don’t know enough.

And so we think we have to look outside of ourselves for the answers. Like I have to follow the strategy that coach or this person is saying, worked for them because I don’t know what I’m doing. And if it worked for them, then it must be the right way. Right. But there are a million different ways to build a successful business and there’s no one right way that’s gonna work for everyone. And so if someone is telling you, you have to send out 30 cold DMS a week in order to get clients.

And that doesn’t feel good for you. There is another way, right. If someone tells you, oh, you have to be on TikTok, but you hate TikTok and you hate making videos and it takes up.

So much of your time and energy, and it feels draining to you instead of energizing to you. I think your marketing strategies should feel good. They should, they should energize you rather than drain you that can be a really good sign that like, maybe that’s not the platform for you, right?

If you find yourself dreading, oh, I have to write this email. I have to create this Instagram post and don’t get me wrong. Like there, there might be moments within an aligned strategy where you just don’t feel like showing up that day. Like that’s different than consistently having to force yourself to execute on this strategy.

Like overall, it should feel good for you. It should feel almost effortless for you. Like when I make TikTok, it takes me like 10 seconds. Like I don’t spend a ton of time making talks and I’ve had multiple of them go viral and my account is still pretty small on there.

And I think that goes back to me, letting it be easy and doing it in a way that feels good for me and not following all of these people who are like, you have to post five times a day on TikTok, if you wanna grow.

I’m like, I, I haven’t been on TikTok all week because I haven’t been feeling it, but I know the second that I wanna create a TikTok again, it’ll probably get a lot of views from the right people. So trusting yourself following what feels good for you and noticing any resistance. Um, anything that you’re procrastinating on consistently is probably it could be that it’s not the right strategy for you.

It could be that you just need to delegate that part of it because that’s not, you know, where you enjoy showing up the most. But I think we’re meant to be. In that energized flowy state most of the time. And so I think when, when that’s your core belief, anytime you get out of that state, you’re, it’s kind of a red flag that something needs to change.

Either the strategy needs to change. You need to be doing it differently. You need to delegate that piece of it. Right. But I think we’re so used to. Oh, well, you just have to hustle. It’s not gonna feel amazing. 100% of the time and you just have to grind and follow the strategies, um, that have worked for everyone else.

And I just don’t believe that that’s true.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

And can I just say that you are a generator acting in full alignment with your type, like EV even the language that you’re using, like generator to a T right now? Yes. Generator to a T and I love it so much. And I completely agree with everything you just said.

I personally am a huge proponent of TikTok, and I always encourage people to get on TikTok because I know what it can do for your business, but if they are help and they hate it and they’re like, I really don’t want to, I am never gonna force somebody to get on a platform that they don’t enjoy.

Because I know it’s not gonna be successful. Their attitude’s gonna suck their energy’s going to suck. The content’s not gonna be good because they don’t wanna be there. So why would we put them on a platform that they don’t enjoy? I think that’s a really important distinction.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: Yeah, your energy, the energy that you show up with, I think matters so much more than where you’re showing up. And so I think that’s why TikTok has worked really well.

For me, my podcast has always worked really well for me. I mean, Instagram has too; it’s just kind of slower growth on there. Um, but you know, my email list like has worked well for me in the phases of my business, where I was really into writing and writing out emails.

Um, but it also changes over time. I think maybe it’s the generator thing, but just following, you know, what feels good for you giving yourself permission to pivot when it’s no longer feeling good for you?

Because like I said, I haven’t been on TikTok in like a week or two because I just have not felt like that’s where I wanna show up right now.

I could be sitting here forcing myself to create videos every day, but they would get like no views. They would get no engagement. My energy would be off. They wouldn’t even be effective. Anyway. So it would just be a giant waste of time and energy in my opinion. and I’d rather spend that energy on. Where, where am I actually feeling called to focus on right now? Like what am I actually wanting to do? That’s what I can get my energy behind. And because it’s what I can get my energy behind. It is gonna be the most effective thing for my business right now,iIf that makes sense.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

No, completely agree. Completely agree. And you hit on one thing that I would love to kind of wrap this episode up with.

Cause I think a lot of people are just in the state of what the fuck is happening and because you’re in social media management, the difference between TikTok and Instagram, cause I’m in the same boat with my Instagram.

Sometimes I’ll get a piece of content that has like a trending reel or whatever, and it’ll do well, it won’t do spectacular, but it’ll do well compared to my average engagement rate. But most of the time it’s not popping off over there like it is on my TikTok.

My TikTok grows so much more fast, it gets so much more engagement, get so much more views. TikTok is actually the main driver of leads for my business. Instagram is more so the place where I’ve noticed, if somebody comes through my network, I’ll meet them on Instagram.

Like a friend referring to me or somebody that knows somebody coming to me. That will happen more on Instagram. So can you kind of talk about the differences between the platforms that might explain why this is happening?

So we can just put it to bed once and for all?

Cause I know so many of my clients are like, what is happening with my Instagram? It’s so frustrating. Do I just suck or is it the platform? Like what is going on um, I’d say it’s a platform. Anyone who follow who’s been following me on Instagram knows that I kind of hate Instagram lately.

I just feel like they’re trying to be TikTok and they’re not, and it’s just like, why are you doing this to yourself or to all of us? Um, so, uh, yeah, I mean, I’ve definitely noticed that too. I will post I’ll post the same video on TikTok and Instagram reels and it pretty much always does better on TikTok.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: I’ve also noticed on Instagram, I don’t know if this happens to you. Like my reel will like go off in the first hour that I post it and then it’ll just like nothing. Does that happen to you? Yeah. I’m like, what are you doing? Instagram?

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

It depends. It really depends. Like sometimes I’ll post one. It immediately does. Well, sometimes I I’ll post one and then overnight it’ll get picked up. Yeah. So I’m just like, there’s really no rhyme or reason. I know I’ve also had, and this has happened for some of my clients, like we’ll post a real, it gets like average amount of views and then a week later it like blows up

Yes, that happened to me in the worst way possible so I, I posted one video that really had nothing to do with branding and marketing. Posted one V it blew up, grew, grew my account by so much. And then the video was about, it was about imposter syndrome and like a protective mechanism. Right. Mm-hmm like it being a protective mechanism. The way that we respond to imposter syndrome.

Really has nothing to do with the actual work that I do. It goes into the mindset of what I do, but it’s not a topic that I talk whatever often. So I was just like, Fuck, what did I just do?!. Right. But it took weeks, weeks. And then it got like tens of thousands of pieces where most of my content might get a couple hundred tops.

And it’s just like, oh my God. No, why did this, why here? Why did this, why this one .

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: Yeah, honestly, I I’ve given up trying to understand why. Um, I don’t remember what your original question was, was it the difference between the platforms?

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah, we were just talking about what’s going on with the difference between the two.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

I think Instagram is like trying to push reels, but they’re just not doing it well, in my opinion. mm-hmm um, and it just ends up being really frustrating. Um, so I think just focusing on where whatever is working for you, right. And I would agree that TikTok tends to get better engagement, more reach than Instagram.

Pretty much every time I have had, I have had a couple instances where a reel did better on Instagram than it did on TikTok, but the majority of the time, um, TikTok, I think just the way they have their algorithm, which I think Instagram is changing. Cause now they’re they have the new, um, home feed features that they’re coming out with where.

It’s not necessarily people you’re following that. You’re seeing, you’re seeing more content from people that are similar to the people you’re following into similar to the TikTok for you page. Right. So, um, maybe that’s a good thing because maybe that means your content will get more reach on Instagram now for people who aren’t following you on there.

Um, but yeah, I’ve definitely noticed that TikTok tends to get more reach and more engagement. And it’s definitely been a bigger driver, um, of leads for my business than Instagram recently. Um, I think TikTok is really, really good for if you have like a freebie, um, like if you have a lead magnet, I had a video that I posted once and I got.

A hundred downloads with my lead magnet overnight. And like that never happens to me. Mm-hmm like, that was when my audience was even smaller than it is now. Right. So that can be really good for TikTok is driving traffic somewhere else. um, and for me, I’ve. The way that I see it is kind of like TikTok is the platform that I use to bring people into my space.

And Instagram is more the platform that I use to nurture those people and engage with them and build an audience there, not build an audience, but, um, build my brand more and just connect with that audience cuz on Instagram, I mean TikTok has stories now, but like I still feel like Instagram stories are kind of like the most intimate place where you can really talk directly to your people and they kind of get that inside, look into behind the scenes of your life or whatever you wanna share on there.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

So for me, I see Instagram more as a place to engage with and nurture my audience and TikTok more as a place to. Bring people into my audience.

That’s the exact approach that I use for it too. And it works really, really well.

And I think more than anything, knowing how to use the different platforms that we’re on and letting the frustrations just kind of be what they are, because Instagram can be extremely frustrating.

MMAC can be extremely frustrating too, if you’re new to the app and you don’t know how to create content over there.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson: Yeah, learning curve.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

But when you’re clear on the intention of what the platform is meant to do for you, it makes it a lot easier to have a plan in place to be like, okay, this is the type of content that I know works really well over here.

And my intention is to drive people to my Instagram so I can get them know them better. And so that they can experience more of my brand and form a deeper relationship with me. I think that’s really smart. And that’s the same approach that I take too. Yeah, I’ve noticed that TikTok because I mean, the videos are so short.

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

Like you can’t possibly share your entire business, your entire story, everything you have to give in one video, but it’s really good at capturing someone’s attention. And if they are interested in what you’re talking about, they’re gonna follow you and want to learn more or download your guide or listen to your podcast or follow you on Instagram where they can learn more.

So, yeah, it’s just, I I’ve found it to be really effective at creating content that just gets people’s attention. Um, so that they’re interested in learning more versus, you know, on Instagram, I feel like there’s more space to engage with those people and share more about your journey or whatever it is that you’re working on, and kind of nurture that audience.

Host |Tristan Thibodeau:

Yeah, I completely agree, and you have shared so much awesome information with us, and this has been such a twisty, windy conversation.

I had this whole, okay guys, I have, I always map out a few questions that I know I want to ask Lindsay and I, we just took a hard left turn, but we came back around, so thank you for being agile and kind of moving with me along there.

There are just so many places that we could have gone. And I think this was an epic conversation. If there was anything that you wanted to leave The Wild Woman fam with, or if there’s anything that you just want entrepreneurs to hear, what would that be?

Guest | Lindsay Hanson:

I would say trust yourself above anything else, any strategy that someone’s telling you to use, if it doesn’t feel good for you. There’s another way, right?

If you’re current job that you’re in, doesn’t feel good for you and you know, that it’s time to make a change or your current, whatever you’re doing in your business, doesn’t feel good, it’s time to pivot.

You can trust yourself, take a deep breath. It’s not so scary.

Remember what we talked about in the beginning of the fear of staying the same versus that fear of exchange. And I think it’s always worth going after whatever it is that you feel called into. So trust yourself and take that leap.

Host | Tristan Thibodeau:

Amazing! Lindsay, thank you so much.

If there’s anything that you want to share with people in terms of offer something that you want to promote or where can people come learn more about you?

All the links will be in your show notes, but it’s always good to hear from your voice where you prefer to connect with people.

Lindsay Hanson: Yeah. I’d say if you want to hear more about my journey, um, my podcast is definitely the place where I share all the things. So you can listen to Quit Your Job, Sis! Wherever you are listening to this come hang out with me on TikTok and Instagram. My handle is @lindsaymhanson and if you wanna learn more about my coaching program, my website is https://www.lindsayhanson.com/

Tristan Thibodeau: Amazing. Thank you so much, Lindsay. This was a super fun conversation.

Lindsay Hanson: It, this was amazing. Thank you so much for having me. That is a wrap wild woman. Thank you so much for tuning into the hotline today. And I hope you enjoyed this conversation with Lindsay Hansen. If you wanna connect with her, I 10 out of 10 suggest that you do.

Tristan Thibodeau:

So she is a badass and her TikTok is so freaking good. So you can find her over on Instagram. TikTok @lindsaymhanson also check out her podcast, “Quit Your Job”.

If you are in the middle of a career transition, or if you know, somebody that would really love some support or could use some support to find a more fulfilling career path, and you can check out her coaching offerings and what she does with her business at https://www.lindsayhanson.com/

Thank you so much for tuning in and as always, if you enjoyed today’s episode, I would be so grateful if you could head on over to apple podcast and leave a rating or review and you know the drill, if you do.

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Thank you so much for tuning in. I’m sending you so much love. I am forever cheering you on now. Go pursue that big impact and big income that you’re after.

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