Brand Identity Design feat. Mind & Body Reconnected

Mind & Body Reconnected is a B2C brand that helps women overcome binge eating and disordered body image. Trust and authority building matters in every industry, but especially in a niche that addresses sensitive issues such as trauma, mental health, and eating disorder recovery. As the founder and CEO, Maren Hunt knew that her brand needed to be positioned as genuine and trustworthy. So she tapped Wild Womn Haus to help her implement brand identity design to boost her authority and credibility in the very nuanced industry of food and body image counseling.

  • Mind & Body reconnect Brand Identity Design
  • Mind & Body reconnect Brand Identity Design
  • Mind & Body reconnect Brand Identity Design
  • Mind & Body reconnect Brand Identity Design
  • Mind & Body reconnect Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design Phase 1 – Our Signature Brand Audit

Even though Mind & Body Reconnected was about to undergo a company-wide makeover, a brand audit is always our first step when taking on a new project. 

During this phase of our process, we perform a “checkup” that measures your brand’s position in the marketplace as well as other strengths and weaknesses. 

In this instance, we used our brand audit process to get a baseline for current brand perception, visibility, and positioning.

A typical brand audit will focus on the internal communication that contributes to a brand’s values, mission, and company culture. But at Wild Womn Haus, we take things a step further.

Our signature brand audits include a full profile of your brand’s

  • vision, goals, and objectives
  • market and industry 
  • target audience 
  • differentiation and positioning
  • personality, voice, and tone
  • communication and storytelling
  • accessibility and visibility
This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Brand Identity Design for Skyrocketing Authority w/Mind & Body Reconnected”.

Brand Identity Design Phase 2 – Competitive Analysis

After completing our audit of the Mind & Body Reconnected brand, we kicked things off by doing a deep dive into the global women’s healthcare landscape, looking for potential opportunities in eating disorders and body image.

Our analysis revealed a unique brand lover: “The Freedom Seeker” – a woman who, historically, has struggled with binge eating and/or bulimia, and is ready to take accountability for their recovery. The Freedom Seeker has a strong propensity for science-backed approaches to behavior modification, but also craves a maternal confidant with whom she can be held accountable. Our customer insight then became a driving force in our approach to the brand strategy.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Brand Identity Design for Skyrocketing Authority w/Mind & Body Reconnected”.

Brand Identity Design  Phase 3 – Brand Strategy

Equipped with this insight, we then went on to the brand strategy development phase. Here, we ICA segmentation, core brand messaging, and brand architecture for market placement and differentiation.

We then identifies 4 key segments of “Freedom Seekers” that would allow us to develop a creative direction that appealed to the types of women that fit into the brand’s main target audience.

  1. The Supermom
  2. The Fitness Junkie
  3. The Self-Development Junkie
  4. The Quasi-Recovered Woman
This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Brand Identity Design for Skyrocketing Authority w/Mind & Body Reconnected”.

Brand Identity Design  Phase 4 – Creative Direction & Design

Based on the segmentation of the brand’s main target audience, we developed a creative direction that evoked the feelings and sentiments that the brand’s consumer likes to feel. With this clarity, we designed a brand identity that evoked safety, hope, optimism, and liberation for The Freedom Seeker.

This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study titled “Brand Identity Design for Skyrocketing Authority w/Mind & Body Reconnected”.

Brand Identity Design  Phase 4 – Website & UX

Equipped with a brand identity that was rooted in deep emotional resonance, we moved on the website design and UX. By taking the user deeper into a narrative of hope and liberation, our design provided Mind & Body Reconnected with a “storytelling hub” that positions the brand as credible, experienced, and most importantly, trustworthy.

  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study
  • This is a decorative image for the Wild Womn Haus client case study

Maren’s Experience Working w/Wild Womn Haus

“Before I started working with Wild Womn Haus, I was feeling a lot of doubt in my business strategy. I didn’t feel as though my business was really embodying what I fought so hard to create. 

When I found out about Wild Womn Haus and their amazing design team, I was so excited to work with them! I received much more than I expected, from text support to weekly calls to ensure communication and deadlines were clear and being met. 

While working with Wild Womn Haus, I really felt seen and heard and when I saw my finalized website, I truly felt they heard and took in every vision I had conveyed. I am so incredibly grateful for they were incredibly devoted to creating a brand that really signifies my business and mission! 

Tristan and Meera were absolutely amazing to work with and they showed up and delivered everything they promised! I would go through this process with them 1000 times over to work with these two again! You will not be disappointed. This company knows how to serve their customers!!” – Maren Hunt, CEO of Mind & Body Reconnected

Need Help with Building Authority for Your Brand?

If like Maren from Mind & Body Reconnected, you want to skyrocket your credibility by implementing brand identity design, we are here to help! We invite you to book a 30-minute Complimentary Call with our founder and lead brand strategist, Tristan Thibodeau to learn about how we can support you. 

WWH Team Members on This Project

This is a decorative image for today's blog post.

Brand Strategist

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness and beauty industries. 

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands to enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line. 

Tristan also hosts The Wild Womn Hotline, which is a podcast that features expert-level conversations for growing your brand in bold and strategic ways.

This is a decorative image for this Wild Womn Haus client case study.

Brand & Web Designer

Meera Patel is a creative strategist and passionate designer specializing in brand/visual identity, web design (UX/UI), and print + digital collateral, including social media. 

Through strategic guidance and engaging visuals, Meera elevates her client’s online assets to increase brand recognition, ensuring their brand won’t be lost among a trend of ordinaries.

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