PODCAST – Content Creation for Marketing – BTS on how I “DO IT ALL”

Hey, there friend! Welcome to a revealing conversation about how I plow through massive amounts of content creation for marketing, without sacrificing quality or connection with my community. 

If we have not met, hello my name is Tristan. I am the CEO, founder, and lead brand strategist for Wild Womn Haus. I’m so happy that you’re here today as I share my tips on how I manage to “do it all”. 

One question that I get asked all of the time is “how the hell do you make as much content as you do, while also:

  • Managing a team
  • Signing clients
  • Planning a wedding
  • Living a life 
  • Being a human

So I’m literally just gonna lift up the curtain today and be completely transparent with you and give you everything that I do in a week, and in a month for content creation for my marketing strategy. 

Content Creation for Marketing – The Platforms I Use 

This is why people think that I’m a crazy person with a thousand arms. Or as my friend says that I like typing with my tits, my toes, and my hands, trying to do all of these things. 

The “master list” of the social platforms I have a presence on: 

  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

And here’s the list of the other marketing channels I use:

  • Podcast
  • Email list
  • Blog

Why I Use All of These Platforms in my Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Instagram and TikTok are the two main drivers of my business. But I keep Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn in the mix for additional brand visibility. However, I don’t own this content and if social media went up in flames, I’d lose all of my contacts along with it.

This is why I also use platforms such as blogging, email, and podcasting, where I actually own the content I’m producing. 

CHECK OUT “The Importance of Content Ownership” to learn more!

The blog is highly beneficial for SEO purposes, but it also builds my “body of work”. As an expert, it’s important to show that you are invested in continuing to advance your knowledge. A blog also helps you share your opinion, perspective, and approach in a detailed way.

Sometimes, you can’t paint the full picture with a social media post, but you can with a long-form blog post.

The podcast is my opportunity to network, connect with incredible experts, and have long conversations with my community that I just can’t fit into an Instagram post. 

Nobody is going to sit and watch an Instagram post on me jabbering about this for 30 minutes, but you’ll listen to a podcast. So it’s just a different type of content that wouldn’t work on social media that I get to share with you here. 

Last, I have my email list, which acts as a direct line into my community’s everyday life. People don’t go on social media. Sometimes people don’t listen to podcasts. But if there’s great content that you’re interested in showing up in your personal inbox, you’re more likely to sit and read the information.

My email list personally has a fantastic open rate at about 50%. This means half of the people on my email list are reading my emails every week. And that’s because I try to create unique, valuable content that is not available anywhere else, or I’m sharing content I’ve already created, but adding additional value or adding an additional spin on it.

Content Creation for Marketing: The Method Behind the Madness

Now let me explain how active I am on each of those platforms.

Most experts recommend that you start with 2 primary platforms to create brand visibility and grow your audience. I don’t disagree.

However, I do think it’s a good idea to throw a few additional platforms into the mix for additional visibility once you are getting consistent results from your primary platforms. 

You can have a presence on every platform that exists if you want to. But there’s no way in hell that you can be a rockstar on every platform. 

Focus the majority of your marketing and sales efforts on the platforms that get you the most results, but leave the door open for discoverability on additional platforms.

As I mentioned earlier, Instagram and TikTok are like my moneymakers. That’s where I get all of my clients from. And they either come in through my lead generator or they come in through my discovery call form. 

So they either book a call with me or they sign up for my freebie and get added to my email list, but the top of the funnel for me is social media. And by “top of the funnel”, I mean, the first touch point that people are going to discover. 

More often than not, it is Instagram or TikTok, but Instagram and TikTok serve different functions for me, which is really, really interesting, so get this. 

Instagram is more so where I attract people that are in my existing network from my colleagues or from business friends or people I’ve worked with in the past. So let’s just say I have a friend who’s also a business owner who refers somebody to me. That’s an example of them coming through my network. 

I’ll also have clients refer other clients to me, but those things all happen on Instagram. And I believe that’s just because of how easy it is to DM people. You don’t have to be following each other to start a conversation, whereas on TikTok it’s different. 

TikTok is like my organic, um, discovery platform. So if people have never heard of me before and they’re discovering me for the first time, it’s nine times out of 10 gonna happen on TikTok. And that’s just because of the differences in the algorithm between Instagram and TikTok. 

TikTok makes it easier to be discovered, whereas Instagram takes a little bit more hustle. Whereas TikTok is like, “Hey, you make good content, we’re gonna reward you”. 

A lot of my brand new people who have never met me before are finding me on TikTok. And then they’re kind of trickling into my podcast, they’re trickling into my Instagram, or they’re going into my email list when I’m promoting my freebie and my lead generator.

So TikTok and Instagram drive my business in terms of attracting new leads, whether that’s getting on a phone call with me or signing up for my email list through my freebie. 

Platforms I Use Solely for Visibility in my Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Now my other social platforms, which are Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn, are not necessarily lead-generating platforms, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not valuable in their own regard. Those platforms are more so for exposure and for visibility. So I have a presence on those platforms, but I’m not hyper-engaged on those platforms.

Let me explain. 

Facebook is where any content that gets posted to Instagram, where I have my personal brand, gets repurposed onto Facebook. 

Sometimes people will discourage reposting content from one platform to another. But my community and my friends on Facebook engage with my content because not all of them are hyperactive on Instagram. Right? 

So anything that gets posted on Instagram gets reposted onto Facebook, automatically through the settings that I have on Instagram, that’s not anything that I use third-party software for. 

Literally just a click of a button on Instagram that reposts it to your Facebook. And, you know, I get comments and likes and shares and questions and all sorts of things just from re-sharing that content, cuz like I said, people that are on Facebook are not necessarily hyperactive on Instagram or it might also be the case that they’re not seeing my content because of the Instagram algorithm. 

So I’m always a big fan of re-sharing on Facebook. Um, you’ll have similar audiences if not the same audience, but people might see different content than they do on Instagram versus Facebook. So that’s one of the ways I’m using Facebook. 

I also have a Facebook business page for the agency. So anytime I ask a client that I’m offboarding to write a testimonial, I ask them if they don’t mind spending the extra minute to copy their testimonial from our Google business page and paste it onto our Facebook business page. 

Again, the reason is for visibility, credibility, and authority. 

So if somebody goes to my account and they click on the business, the agency Facebook page, they’re gonna see that there’s six or seven at this 5-star reviews and long testimonials from clients that I’ve had in the past. 

Why I ALWAYS Recommend Having Google Business in a Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

While the main place that testimonials are going to live permanently is on our Google business page. And I do that because when you have a website and you have a blog and then you have a Google business page, it actually helps your website get discovered when you have positive reviews and testimonials on your Google business. 

So that’s the main reason that I use Google business as a home for all of my client testimonials. And then I basically repurpose those wherever I need them, rather than having a client email me a testimonial, I have them self-submit one onto Google business. 

It’s organic from them, self-submitting it, which automatically adds more credibility, cuz there’s no chance of me modifying it or editing it behind the scenes. And then I can just grab that testimonial or grab pieces of it for whatever marketing I need to use, whether it’s social media content, or a sales page website. Whatever it may be. 

But sometimes if a client is feeling extra giving, I mean, I’ve pretty much had everybody do this, cuz my clients are awesome. They’ll copy their testimonial from Google business and they’ll plop it onto our, uh, business Facebook page. 

So the last Facebook page that I have is for the Hotline. Now, again, this is just for discoverability and visibility. My goal is that if somebody discovers me on Facebook, I wanna make sure that they have direct access to my business and direct access to my podcast, and direct access to any other thing that might be important. 

So if you go to my Facebook profile, you’ll notice that I have both the business Facebook and the podcast Facebook page linked in my bio. It’s very easy for people to discover. 

Lots of reposting and repurposing happening with Facebook, but it’s been pretty great in terms of visibility and discoverability. So I’m happy with that strategy. I’m not looking to put more into Facebook because that’s just not where my audience hangs out. But I am happy to use it as another platform for discoverability and for visibility and credibility building. 

Wow, it’s a lot of “ilities”. 

Why I Believe in Autoposting in a Content Creation for Marketing Strategy…Sometimes

Okay. Let’s move on. So when we’re talking about LinkedIn, it’s the same thing. I am not using LinkedIn as a primary driver. That’s not because I don’t believe that LinkedIn is powerful, I just don’t enjoy LinkedIn. Same with Facebook, I don’t really enjoy the Facebook interface. 

I love TikTok for how creative you can get with your content. Same thing with Instagram. I just like those platforms more than I do Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s not that those two platforms can’t grow your business. We have so many examples of those working. It really comes down to “do I genuinely like this platform?” 

To take advantage of the opportunities for visibility and discoverability without putting a ton of effort into the platforms I don’t enjoy, I use a software called Buffer.

Buffer is a very low-cost monthly, or annual membership, that auto-posts to multiple different platforms for you. I currently have my Buffer account set up to auto-post 1 piece of content to LinkedIn per week.

Now what is getting posted to LinkedIn is a combination of podcasts, and, um, blog posts that have already been written. This is not new content that I am creating for LinkedIn. This is just content that I am pushing out that already exists on our blog. It already exists on the podcast. All I’m doing is writing a one to two-sentence description, adding the link, and adding media, and then I send that to my VA and she schedules it. 

She makes the magic happen so that it auto-posts once a week on LinkedIn. We have the days alternate a little bit, just so that it feels more organic. But like I said, I’m not worried. I’m not stressing about LinkedIn being like “the place”. It’s just another place for discoverability and visibility. 

Learning the Pinterest Curve in a Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Now, let me tell you what the deal is with Pinterest. 

So Pinterest is also for visibility and discoverability. My main goal is to drive traffic to all of my other platforms through Pinterest. My goal is not to get millions and millions of views, cuz those don’t really mean anything necessarily. They’re kind of a vanity metric. 

I’m more concerned with conversions. I’m more concerned with people clicking and then taking an action rather than just viewing my content. Cuz they think that it’s pretty and aesthetic and all of these things. No. I want you to find a post. I want you to click it and then I want you to go listen to my podcast or I want you to go follow me on TikTok or go follow me on Instagram or go read my blog or do something. Right? 

So that’s what I’m concerned about with Pinterest. I don’t care about my following or my views…I care about my conversion. Pinterest. Its only intention is to drive traffic to all of the other platforms. 

So instead of posting once a week, what I have found to be more effective is kind of to-do like a, like a buckshot approach with Pinterest where once a month I will go through all of the new blogs that we published. All of the new podcasts that were released, all of the more popular. Slash it’s not really viral, but like viral content that I’ve created a really high engagement, performing pieces of content. 

All of that will get repurposed as pins onto Pinterest, with links to wherever the original source of content came from. I do that once a month. It takes me maybe an hour to two hours to do this. I sit down and do it all at once, and that actually helps me drive traffic to my other platforms. 

So that might change once I learn more about Pinterest and how to use it, to grow your community, and how drive traffic elsewhere, I will keep you updated once I finish that course. But that’s the way that I’m using it on all of my social platforms right now. 

So if I’m talking about podcasting now we’ve opened up a whole new can of worms. So again, I’m talking about activity, right? 

How Many Times I Post on Each Platform in my Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Instagram, I’m doing three to five posts a week. I’m trying to do TikTok as often as possible TikTok. I’m doing it every other day. Pinterest, as I said, I do roundup content one time a month. Facebook I’m resharing once a week. And then I’m, you know, anything that gets posted to Instagram gets posted to Facebook as well. LinkedIn, once a week, that’s an auto-scheduled blog once a week, sometimes two times a week. And then the podcast is once a week as well. 

Everything hinges on the podcast right now. 

Because I am in season three of the podcast and I have a bunch of episodes batched, I’m not creating new blog posts for the most part. If there’s something that’s very important that I need to write about, I will. But for the most part, all of the new blogs that I’m publishing are in-depth transcriptions of the podcast episodes that I have recorded for the sake of readability for anybody that has a hearing impairment. So they can go read the transcription also for SEO, because with a longer blog post 

Also, Google loves long-form content, and I get to plug in my keyword multiple times throughout an article, making it really SEO friendly. So if I’m recording a podcast, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna record this podcast. Then, I’m gonna plug it into my podcast distribution platform, and I use Anchor. 

I’ll edit it, and upload it. But then what I do with the audio is I actually transcribe it. So I have my VA do this. I send her the audio. She then transcribes the episode. And then she’ll go in and, you know, edit it as if it were a blog post and she’ll add the title. She’ll add the subheads I’ll then go in myself and add in keywords and kind of clean things up and add images. And then it’s ready to. 

So now I have a huge piece of long-form content that Google is going to love, and that is SEO friendly. A transcript is also a resource for people that might have hearing impairments that would prefer to read. 

What I now do with the blog and the podcast is I turn that into a newsletter. So I’ll write a newsletter that links to both the blog post and to the podcast episode for that week. In the article or in the newsletter, I’ll write a little bit extra something that wasn’t featured in the social media content that wasn’t in the podcast and that wasn’t in the blog article. So I’ll give you a little bit of extra juice that you wouldn’t get anywhere else, and that goes into the newsletter. 

Those go out on Mondays. I write them on Fridays, the same thing with the podcast. They technically get promoted on Mondays, but I’m producing, editing, and then publishing them on Friday. So those things are happening on Fridays and then they’re coming out on Monday. The blogs get published automatically, but they get promoted on Monday. 

So if you see here, there’s a system to everything that I’m doing, everything is intertwined, and I am repurposing as much as possible. I don’t repurpose 100% because I get bored talking about the same thing over and over again. 

Content Creation for Marketing – The Tools I Use

So now that you kind of know all the platforms that I’m on and how active I am on each of them, let me give you a breakdown of how I manage each of these platforms.

Let’s start with Instagram. As I said, Instagram and TikTok are the main drivers of my business. Those are the platforms that I spend the most time on, outside of my podcast.

  • PSA – podcasts are very time-consuming in general. If you have one, you know. If you’re considering one keep in mind, that they are very time-consuming to produce and edit and publish. 

For managing my Instagram, I use Planoly, which is a phone app or desktop app that allows you to curate the aesthetic of your feed. It also allows you to write captions, schedule for auto-posting, etc. 

Depending on how involved you wanna be with your social media, this can be pretty much hands-off outside of the creation and the scheduling. Or it can be very hands-on where you’re like manually moving things around based on the aesthetic that you’re going for. 

The Tools I Use for Instagram in my Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Now what I do is I like to alternate Reels and static content, whether it’s a carousel graphic or a photo carousel or whatever it may be. I like to alternate those because, from my perspective, people are not reading a super long caption on a Reel, but they probably will on a carousel or on a photo because that is a piece of content that is meant to be longer, it’s meant to be read that way. 

I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve actually read the caption on a reel. I’m watching, liking, and maybe saving the post. But I can’t say that I will scroll and read a big, huge, long caption. 

So personally, I alternate between reals and static content so that I can have that longer-form storytelling value mixed with that entertainment/shock value/education that you can very easily do in video format. 

Every Monday a piece of content goes out that promotes that week’s podcast episode. So Mondays of every week are devoted to podcast promotion. Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays/Sundays are then alternating between reels and static posts. All of this is scheduled in my Planoly.

Now for my stories. I try to engage at least every other day. Sometimes it’ll be every two days, depending on how heavy my week is. 

I try to be in my stories in some capacity, just to connect and continue building a relationship with you guys, cuz it’s super fun. Like I get to let you in behind the scenes of whatever crazy shit is going on in my life. 

Like when I was doing a fashion show for our engagement photos, that was so much fun. I loved doing that. I love letting you guys into my life, especially the crazy quirky, fun parts, but also its good practice for me to speak and show up and be visible. Right? So I try to do that at least every other day, if not every two days. 

Now I did skip a piece, which is about hashtags. 

I use a really cool service called SocialHustlr. They build customized hashtag sets for you based on your target audience, your niche, your industry, and a couple of other factors such as your following size, your engagement rate, et cetera. 

So they build these like customized Excel spreadsheets situations. I don’t have to do anything other than just pick the hashtags that I wanna use. They’re all vetted to be live hashtags, which means none of them are dead. None of them are banned and they’re all relevant for my niche, my target audience, but also for the size of my account. 

Hashtag Slayer is another one that I used in the past. It is a paid monthly service, but also very cool, a little bit more work-intensive on your end. If you like to change up your hashtags often. 

Tools I Use for TikTok in My Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

Let’s move on to TikTok. TikTok is a mother fucking beast. It is a beast. It took me almost a year to really get my footing with TikTok. But man, oh man, is it worth it. 

That is where the majority of my clients come from. And these are brand new discoveries. These are organic discoveries, not paid nothing. These are people that are finding a single video of mine coming to my page, signing up for a call, booking a package with me paying multiple, four, sometimes five figures from one organic video discovery. 

I am not joking. This happens often. This is where most of my clients come from. It is such an underutilized tool, but I also understand why it’s so intimidating because it is a very intense platform. 

There’s a shitload of content. There are a lot of amazing content creators. There’s a lot of advice. And there’s also a learning curve in figuring out how that platform works compared to Instagram.

Instagram is definitely more “play by the rule book”. Whereas TikTok is like “if you can figure out a hook, line, and sinker that gets people watching every single time, you’re gonna grow so fast”. You’re literally gonna grow so fast. 

And with TikTok. I’ll sit down and I’ll write out scripts for myself. So the reason I do this is that as you can tell, I tend to be long-winded. I have a lot to say, I wanna give you a lot of value, but with TikTok, the shorter the content, the better, the more concise, the better. 

Saturdays are for the Bo…Content Creation?

I will write scripts for myself. And then honestly, I love to do my content on Saturday. I have nowhere to be, I’ll do it in the afternoon. Sometimes I’ll do it on Friday, but honestly, Saturdays are like my jam for content creation. Cuz it feels like fun to me. Like I don’t have anything else to do.

I can go lay by the pool later if I want to, and then I’m gonna bust out some epic content. I’m gonna set up my box lights and my ring lights and all the things. So that’s what I do to create my TikTok content. And sometimes I’ll edit them on the same day in terms of cleaning up the, um, what do they call it? 

Cleaning up the different clips, adding the music, adding the subtitles or the captions, adding the text overlay, whatever it is I wanna do. And sometimes I’ll do that the day that I post. So like I have an alarm that goes off. It’s like, “Hey, time to post!” So I’ll either edit them right before I post or if I’m feeling up for it, I’ll just edit them all in one batch right after I record.

The Tools I Use for Podcasting in My Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

I use a Garage Band to record. If I’m doing a solo episode like right now, I’ll record directly into a garage band. 

If I’m recording an interview, I do that through Zoom and then I pull the audio and use that inside garage band to edit. Or if I’m pulling some video for my promo content, you’ll notice I’ve started doing it on my Instagram feed. I pull that video out from QuickTime and then I create the graphic inside of Canva.

 So those are the tools that I use for podcasts in terms of the promotion, the creation, all of those things. 

The mic that I use for podcasts is a Blue Yeti Nano. You’ll see it if you ever watch my videos where I’m interviewing somebody. It’s been my ride or die for the past couple of years. 

I am looking to upgrade to something with a pop filter. Anytime I smack my lips, you hear this loud pop in the background, so I’m looking to get something with a pop filter on it. So you don’t get those annoying sounds cuz I know how annoying they are. Other than that. I think that’s the only software tool that I use for my podcast outside of Anchor, which is my distribution platform. So I upload all my content onto Anchor and then Anchor sends it out to all of the places. 

Tools I Use for Blogging in My Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

And then for blogging, I write my blogs on WordPress. Now I do have a couple of really cool tools that I use for my blog. 

The first one is Grammarly, which if you haven’t heard about it, is a free plugin. They have a premium membership, but I use the free one where it will basically grammatically check, and spellcheck all of the things in your article. 

I also have the Yoast plugin for WordPress that helps you with SEO. So it will alert you based on the color green, yellow, or red, what you’re doing well, what’s okay, and what just needs to be fixed because it’s messed up. So this is anything from how many times you’re using your keyword in a blog or how long your meta description is, if you have a good slug for your article, or if you have enough headers like H2s and H3s, if you have too many long sentences, if you’re using too complex of wording or whatever, it may be. 

I love these two plugins. They help me so much. And this is a big reason why I’m able to create so much content. I have tools that help me make things faster. And then for blogging, I believe the only other thing that I’m missing is if I’m using stock photography, I’m getting that from either Unsplash or Pexels, which are completely free stock photo sites. 

Personally, I like Pexels more than Unsplash. You tend to find more interesting stock photography and more curated aesthetic, modern stock photography over there. Um, Unsplash is beautiful. Like they both have high-quality content. I think you just get more variety and specificity on Pexels. Like if I were to type in, um, like vintage luxury on Pexels versus Unsplash. I would get results for both, but I would probably get a lot more variety on Pexels than I would on Unsplash. 

Exactly What I’m Doing With My Email List

The last thing that we need to talk about is email. My email list has become one of the fastest pieces of my content creation because I’m basically repurposing things that I’ve already done throughout the week. 

So like I said, my email list right now is meant to be more of a “nurture” for my audience on a weekly basis. I’m not gonna get into my funnel and I’m not gonna get into my lead generation in that whole sequence, cuz that is an episode in and of itself. 

But, the weekly emails that I’m sending out to people to share resources, provide value, share stories, connect with people, and open up a conversation. Those are going out once a week. 

Now, if you’ll remember, I link my podcast and I link that week’s blog post to those emails. The body of those emails is me telling a story about why this content is valuable. Again. All of these things are free and I do this to provide value to my audience and to make these resources easy to access so that you can grow your brand and be empowered with the tools that you need to really excel as a business owner. 

So that’s why I’m telling this additional story in my email list, instead of just saying, Hey. Here’s this week’s podcast link. Hey, here’s this week’s blog link. I actually tell a story and talk about why it’s valuable. 

Maybe I’ll share a personal story about how this has impacted my life or something surprising or something revealing. I always tell a story in my emails and I try to make them entertaining and as personable as possible because I personally don’t wanna read an email that sounds super formal or sounds like somebody’s trying too hard. 

I wanna read an email that sounds like it was written by a friend that wants to support me and wants to help me grow. And also is a very knowledgeable friend who is on top of her shit and has the best resources. So that’s the tone of voice that I write in with my emails and all of that comes together between the social media, the reposting, the repurposing, the blog, the podcast, and the email on a weekly or a monthly basis for my content creation and for my marketing.

Content Creation for Marketing – Managing the Content Tornado

Let me go through how the hell I do all of these things. The reason that I create this much is that it helps me personally know my shit front and back. I wanna be a weapon in my industry. I wanna be one of the leading, if not the leading experts, by the time that I’m in my forties, I wanna be THE go-to person. 

The one that everybody wants to learn from the one that everybody wants to work with. That’s part of the reason why I create as much content as I do. Is because I want to be a weapon in my industry. I also want to be able to help my clients because content creation and marketing are relevant to every single womn that I work with. 

The more informed and comfortable I am with all of these different platforms, the more capable I am to support them in setting up a strategic marketing-like process, that’s gonna help them, whether they’re doing organic or paid marketing.

So let’s get back to how the hell. I do all of these things. Okay. Project management system, no joke. My life runs through ClickUp. It used to run through Asana and I still love Asana. 

These are both software or platforms that are called “task management systems”. So they are used to help you, um, schedule, plan, assign, collaborate with a team, or just to schedule and plan your own, uh, priorities into a system that helps you stay on top of whatever your to-dos are. 

ClickUp is becoming one of the more universal project management platforms that people are using because you can very easily collaborate with people on it. I used to use Asana and that one, in my opinion, is very, very good as well. Super fun has a lot of really quirky, fun features on it. Like when you check off a task in a sauna, a rainbow unicorn will shoot across the screen, which like, who doesn’t love that. Right. 

Give Everything a Due Date in Your Content Creation for Marketing Strategy

But here’s the thing with my ClickUp with my task management system. Everything is in it. Everything has a date and it has a timeline. And when I say everything, I mean, like my bikini waxes down to my freaking toenails. 

You guys, I have recurring tasks that tell me, “Hey, it’s been four weeks. You need to go get another pedicure. Cuz your toes are starting to look like claws”. Right? Like I literally have tasks for everything that I do in my life and in my business. I have it all organized based on category, based on project and then everything gets a due date. 

So the way that I manage my content creation for my marketing, is I have recurring tasks that pop up on the same day, every single week that tell me, “hey, you need to outline the blog post for this week”. 

Each day I am doing something different for all of these different platforms that I utilize. The ones that I’m doing on a weekly basis are my Instagram, TikTok, blog, email list, and podcast. The other ones are happening automatically for me, or they get done once a month, such as is the case with Pinterest. But LinkedIn happens for me, and Facebook happens for me. 

A Breakdown of My Content Creation for Marketing Tasks During the Week

Mondays are typically when I am preparing things for the blog because the blog takes a lot of time. I’ll transcribe the previous week’s podcast, and then I’ll go in and edit it throughout the week. Lastly, I’ll add the images and I’ll set up the SEO, etc. 

Instagram always happens on Friday for me. So what that means is that I’m planning my content. I’m writing the captions, creating the hashtag sets, scheduling the times that I want them to go out. I’m rearranging things so that my feed looks the way that I want it to. 

Fridays are also my podcast editing day. So on Fridays, I am sitting down, I am selecting the clip that I wanna use for the promotional content. I am creating that promotional content, then writing the show notes for the podcast. Last, I write the email for the podcast and for the blog that week. I am sending those things out. 

So Mondays and Fridays are usually like my heavier days of content creation, but things are happening throughout the week. All of this is running through my task management. 

Content Creation for Marketing – Choose Wisely

You do not have to be on as many platforms as I am on. I know that everybody aspires to get to that point, but the reason that I am on this many platforms first and foremost, is that I am training myself to be more valuable as a mentor, to know how these platforms work in terms of brand and audience engagement and community. 

So that’s the main reason that I’m on them, is that I am literally teaching myself how to have a tool to support my clients through the work that I’m doing. Now, if this is not the scope of your business, honestly, pick two platforms and be consistent with them. That’s kind of the industry standard recommendation is to pick two platforms and be consistent on them. Always have an email list and then always have one to two social platforms that drive traffic. To the email lists that help you get visibility to help you build a community. 

Okay. I’m gonna say that TikTok and Instagram are my two favorites, but at the end of the day, my recommendations don’t mean anything. If you absolutely despise Instagram, if you despise Facebook, you don’t have to be on Facebook. If you despise Instagram, you don’t have to be on Instagram. You need to be on some. public platforms so that you can build community and so you can be visible and drive traffic. But if you hate a platform, I don’t care how successful it is. You don’t have to be on it. Find something that you enjoy. 

The caveat is that you have to find something that you enjoy, but it doesn’t have to be the platform that everybody else is on. If you genuinely cannot stand those platforms. To find a platform that you enjoy. There are so many, some that I didn’t even mention on here that are very, very valuable and very valuable for growing your business and for growing a community and driving traffic.

So that is a caveat. Number one. caveat. Number two is to pick your platform strategically. Now, this is different from doing what you enjoy strategically means is your target audience actually hanging out on that platform. And one way to know this is to get on that platform, start to be active, and if you can’t build a community, then it’s probably not the right platform for you, or do research first before you get on a platform, like what is the average demographic of a user on LinkedIn? Etc. Right?

How I Generate Ideas for My Content

If you are somebody that doesn’t have an opinion, a strong perspective, or doesn’t have a lot to share, this is gonna be difficult for you. I’m just gonna say it straight up. This is gonna be difficult for you. 

You have to find a way to formulate opinions, come up with perspectives, have some polarizing beliefs, and share yours. Create your own methodology, create your own approach, do something original, do something that’s bold, and do something that will help put some steam behind all of the efforts that you’re putting into your content creation. 

And then have a fucking plan. 

Don’t just go into it blind. And don’t just say, “oh, well I wanna grow my Instagram”, but then you’re only posting once a week because it’s not a priority. You have to make it a priority by making and, you know, this is super cheesy, but that whole like “failing to plan is planning to fail” could not be more true with content creation. 

The reason I’m able to do so much and still have a life is that I have a task management system and because I am so organized. It took me years to establish this level of structure and organization. But I will tell you one thing, this much planning, and this much structure has become second nature. 

And it creates so much freedom for me because I don’t have to stress out about, “oh my God, I forgot to post to Instagram this week”, or, “oh my God, I haven’t sent an email in three months”.

I know when I’m posting, I know what I’m posting and I have a plan and a system that supports me to not have to worry about the tiny details. All I have to do is sit down and make the content, cuz the plan is already in place. The plan happens for me. So that is the behind-the-scenes of my content creation and marketing strategy.

In Summary…

I know this was a lot. And I don’t want you guys to get intimidated by this. I just wanted to share this because I get asked all the time, “how the hell do you do that much?” 

Well, this is exactly how I do it. I don’t hold anything back from you guys. You literally have all the tools that I use. I gave you the systems that I use. I gave you the timeline, how much I’m doing, where I’m posting, and what I’m using all these platforms for. 

Want Help Making Your Own Content Strategy?

And if you wanna get on a Brand Strategy Workshop with me and devote purely to your marketing strategy and content creation and getting this system all set up girl, I am so here to support you. 

During my Brand Strategy Workshop, we can really look at your marketing strategy and look at your content creation and just spend time together, laser-focused on this. 

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Connect with the Author:

Tristan Thibodeau is the founder of Wild Womn Haus and is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs in the wellness, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries.

She specializes in helping companies create and maintain their image. She works with market research, industry analysis, and consumer trends to offer strategic insights for brands so that they can enhance their marketing efforts and grow their bottom line.

Follow her on Instagram @tristan.wildwomnhaus and follow the agency on Instagram @wildwomnhaus and TikTok @tristan.wildwomnhaus!

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